
Trademark category 40

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Trademark category 40

China Trademark Categories in 2024

(Click each category for more information)

Category 40:  材料处理;废物和垃圾的回收利用;空气净化和水处理;印刷服务;食物和饮料的防腐处理。       Treatment of materials; recycling of waste and trash; air purification and treatment of water; printing services; food and drink preservation.

4001 综合加工及提供信息服务 Comprehensive processing and information provision services
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
400048研磨抛光burnishing by abrasion
400050材料刨削处理planing of materials
400052材料锯切服务sawing of materials
400083定做材料装配(为他人)custom assembling of materials for others
400087提供材料处理信息providing information relating to material treatment
400101材料硫化处理vulcanization [material treatment]
400122喷砂处理服务sandblasting services
C400006碾磨加工Grinding processing
 喷钢砂服务Grit blasting services
 材料处理信息Material processing information
 宝石抛光Gemstone polishing
 用激光束处理材料Material processing with laser beams
4002 金属材料处理或加工服务 Metal material processing or processing services
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
400007镀银silver plating
400013镀镉cadmium plating
400017镀铬chromium plating
400018金属电镀metal plating
400027镀锡tin plating
400042金属处理metal treating
400043金属回火metal tempering
400045镀镍nickel plating
400085镀金gold plating
400086激光划线laser scribing
400093精炼refining services
400100金属铸造metal casting
400108配钥匙key cutting
400125焊接服务welding services
 金属层压Metal laminating
 金属精炼Metal refining
 金属加工Metal processing
 金属电镀及层压Metal plating and laminating
 金属硬化Metal hardening
 金属热处理Metal heat treatment
 金器加工Gold processing
 铝的处理Aluminum processing
 热浸镀Hot dip galvanizing
 银器制作Silver processing
 金属熔炼服务Metal smelting services
 金属管的热处理Heat treatment of metal pipes
 电焊设备出租Electric welding equipment rental
 物体表面金属化服务Surface metallization services
 对不锈钢片材和卷材进行表面处理Surface treatment of stainless steel sheets and coils
 模具铸造Die casting
 金属镀釉Metal enamelling
 金属冲压Metal stamping
 锡器加工Tin processing
 气焊设备出租Gas welding equipment rental
4003 纺织品化学处理或加工服务 Textile chemical processing or processing services
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
400005纺织品精加工applying finishes to textiles
400008织物漂白fabric bleaching
400010布料边饰处理cloth edging
400014织物定型处理permanent-press treatment of fabrics
400036布料防水处理cloth waterproofing / fabric waterproofing
400036织物防水处理cloth waterproofing / fabric waterproofing
400037纺织品耐火处理cloth fireproofing / fabric fireproofing / textile fireproofing
400037布料耐火处理cloth fireproofing / fabric fireproofing / textile fireproofing
400037织物耐火处理cloth fireproofing / fabric fireproofing / textile fireproofing
400038服装防皱处理crease-resistant treatment for clothing
400039羊毛加工wool treating
400046织布机整经warping [looms]
400056染色服务dyeing services*
400057纺织品染色textile dyeing
400058纺织品化学处理textile treating / cloth treating
400058布料化学处理textile treating / cloth treating
400059纺织品防蛀处理textile mothproofing
400060布料染色cloth dyeing
400069布料预缩处理cloth pre-shrinking
400120布匹漂洗fulling of cloth
 纺织品织造Textile weaving
 布料处理Fabric treatment
 纺织整经Textile warping
 布料漂白Fabric bleaching
 纺织品定型处理Textile finishing
 服装定型处理Garment finishing
 服装漂白Garment bleaching
 纺织品漂白Textile bleaching
 织物染色Fabric dyeing
 帷幔的定制制作Custom-made draperies
 织物层压Fabric lamination
 纺织品处理用机器和设备出租Rental of machinery and equipment for textile treatment
 纺棉花Cotton spinning
 纺织品防霉处理Anti-mold treatment of textiles
 布料除臭Deodorizing of fabrics
 织物精加工Fabric finishing
 布料精加工Fabric finishing
 在纺织品上印刷图案Printing patterns on textiles
 布料防皱处理Anti-wrinkle treatment of fabrics
 纺织品边饰处理Textile trim treatment
 裘皮防收缩处理Anti-shrinkage treatment of furs
 地毯抗微生物处理Antimicrobial treatment of carpets
 织物的织前准备和处理Fabric preparation and treatment
 服装阻燃处理Flame retardant treatment of garments
 纺棉Cotton spinning
 耐火处理(纺织品或裘皮)Fire retardant treatment (textiles or furs)
4004 木材加工服务 Wood processing services
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
400067木材砍伐和加工timber felling and processing
400137细木工服务(定制生产木制品)joinery services [custom manufacturing of woodwork]
 木材加工机器和设备出租Rental of wood processing machinery and equipment
 竹子加工Bamboo processing
 树皮加工Bark processing
 藤加工Rattan processing
 制贴面板用机器和设备出租Rental of machinery and equipment for veneer production
 木材阻燃处理Flame retardant treatment of wood
 锯木刨削Sawing and planing
 刨平(锯木厂)Planing (sawmill)
 锯木(锯木厂)Sawing (sawmill)
 木材切削服务Wood cutting services
 家具的定制制造Custom-made furniture
 锯木厂服务Sawmill services
 胶合板制造机器和设备出租Rental of machinery and equipment for plywood production
 贴面板机器和设备出租Rental of machinery and equipment for veneer production
 木材防腐处理Wood preservative treatment
 伐木机器和设备出租Rental of logging machinery and equipment
4005 纸张加工服务 Paper processing services
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
400006纸张加工paper finishing
400061纸张处理paper treating
 瓦楞纸板加工Corrugated cardboard processing
 纸的脱酸处理Deacidification of paper
 书籍装订机出租Book binding machine rental
 造纸机器和设备出租Papermaking machinery and equipment rental
 文件销毁Document destruction
 制瓦楞纸板用机器出租Corrugated cardboard machine rental
 文件装订Document binding
 纸加工机器和设备出租Paper processing machinery and equipment rental
 制纸浆机器和设备出租Pulp making machinery and equipment rental
4006 玻璃加工服务 Glass processing services
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
400065玻璃窗着色处理(表面涂层)window tinting treatment being surface coating
400088光学玻璃研磨optical glass grinding
400126车窗染色服务tinting of car windows
 玻璃器皿制造机器和设备的出租Rental of machinery and equipment for glassware manufacturing
 玻璃着色Glass tinting
 玻璃吹制Glass blowing
 玻璃抛光Glass polishing
 光学透镜研磨Optical lens grinding
 玻璃蚀刻Glass etching
 定制眼镜镜片Customized eyeglass lenses
 玻璃回火Glass tempering
 玻璃工业用机器出租Rental of machinery for the glass industry
 玻璃表面焕新Glass resurfacing
4007 陶器加工服务 Ceramic processing services
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
400015烧制陶器pottery firing / firing pottery
 陶瓷加工Ceramic processing
 陶瓷上釉Ceramic glazing
 用于陶瓷品制造的材料处理Material processing for ceramic manufacturing
4008 食物、饮料加工服务 Food and beverage processing services
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
400032榨水果fruit crushing
400033食物熏制food smoking
400044面粉加工flour milling
400066食物和饮料的防腐处理food and drink preservation
400091油料加工processing of oil
400117食物冷冻freezing of foods
400128为他人酿造啤酒beer brewing for others
400129定制生产面包custom manufacturing of bread
400130食品和饮料的巴氏杀菌pasteurizing of food and beverages / pasteurising of food and beverages
400131为他人酿造葡萄酒wine making for others
400132葡萄酒酿造咨询consultancy in the field of wine making
400138奶酪熟化(奶酪加工服务)cheese processing services in the nature of ripening, maturing and aging of cheese
400140食品辐照irradiation of food
C400001茶叶加工Tea processing
C400002饲料加工Feed processing
 食物防腐处理Food preservation
 酿造服务Brewing services
 食品加工Food processing
 蔬菜腌制Vegetable pickling
 海鲜食品加工Seafood processing
 农业粮食加工Agricultural grain processing
 为他人榨果汁Juice for others
 石磨碾磨Stone milling
 咖啡豆烘焙与加工Coffee bean roasting and processing
 啤酒酿造Beer brewing
 生产用食品的加工Processing of food for production
 为他人酿造米酒Rice wine brewing for others
 定制生产巧克力Custom chocolate production
 为他人酿造威士忌Whiskey brewing for others
 朗姆酒酿造咨询Rum brewing consultation
 定做生日蛋糕Custom birthday cakes
 制造罐头食品Canned food manufacturing
 熏制食品的烟熏室服务Smokehouse services for smoked food
 为他人蒸馏烈酒Distilling spirits for others
 谷物磨制Grain milling
 为他人酿苹果酒Cider brewing for others
 为他人酿酒Wine brewing for others
 饮料加工机器和设备出租Beverage processing machinery and equipment rental
 酿酒厂服务Brewery services
 食品加工机器和设备出租Food processing machinery and equipment rental
4009 剥制加工服务 Skimming processing services
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
400094动物屠宰slaughtering of animals
400095剥制加工stripping finishes
 生猪屠宰Pig slaughter
4010 皮革、服装加工服务 Leather and clothing processing services
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
400016染鞋shoe staining
400019皮革染色leather staining
400020裘皮定型fur conditioning
400021布料剪裁cloth cutting
400028裘皮时装加工custom fashioning of fur
400030皮毛防蛀处理fur mothproofing
400047皮革修整skin dressing
400051马具(鞍具)制作saddlery working
400053服装定制custom tailoring
400064皮革加工leather working
400070裘皮上光fur glossing
400071使裘皮具有缎子光泽fur satining
400072裘皮染色fur dyeing
400098服装修改clothing alteration
400112针织机出租knitting machine rental
 缝制窗帘Sewing curtains
 动物皮的硝皮Tanning of animal skins
 衣服的抗菌处理Antibacterial treatment of clothing
 窗帘剪裁Cutting curtains
 裘皮防霉处理Anti-mold treatment of furs
 服装防水处理Waterproofing of clothing
 服装精加工Finishing of clothing
 皮革鞣制Tanning of leather
 服装定制服务Custom clothing services
 服装定制修改Custom alterations of clothing
 连衣裙定制Custom dresses
 人造毛皮染色Dyeing of artificial fur
 服装缩水处理Shrinkage treatment of clothing
 纺织品剪裁Cutting of textiles
 提供与制鞋机出租相关的信息Information on rental of shoemaking machines
 皮革和裘皮的加工Leather and fur processing
 毛皮处理Fur processing
 毛皮染色Fur dyeing
 鞋染色Shoe dyeing
 织物剪裁Cutting of fabrics
 制鞋机出租Rental of shoemaking machines
 裘皮加工Fur processing
 服装染色Garment dyeing
 缝纫机出租Rental of sewing machines
 为地毯背面加上背衬Adding backing to the back of carpets
 按照顾客要求缝制被子Quilt sewing to customer’s specifications
 T恤衫印字服务Printing of T-shirts
 T恤衫刺绣服务Embroidery of T-shirts
4011 影像加工处理服务 Image processing services
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
400002电影胶片冲洗processing of cinematographic films
400022图样印刷pattern printing
400023照相底片冲洗photographic film development
400089照片冲印photographic printing
400107分色colour separation services
400110平版印刷lithographic printing
400113胶印offset printing
400114照相排版photocomposing services
400115丝网印刷silkscreen printing
 照片修复服务Photo restoration services
 摄影复制Photographic reproduction
 信纸印刷服务Stationery printing services
 照相制版服务Photoengraving services
 照片洗印Photo printing
 数字照片打印服务Digital photo printing services
 广告品印刷Advertising printing
 凹版印刷Gravure printing
 凸版印刷Letterpress printing
 照片冲洗Photo development
 照片放大Photo enlargement
 书籍印刷Book printing
 数码印刷Digital printing
 邮票印刷Stamp printing
 为他人设计印刷Design printing for others
 黑白胶卷的色彩增强Color enhancement of black and white film
 胶片显影Film development
 印刷机器和设备出租Printing machinery and equipment rental
 底片修复Film restoration
 底片修整Film retouching
 人像印刷Portrait printing
 摄影作品的保存处理Photographic preservation
 凹版印刷服务Gravure printing services
 日历的印刷Calendar printing
 黑白电影的色彩增强Color enhancement of black and white film
 凸版印刷机出租Letterpress printing machine rental
4012 废物处理服务 Waste treatment services
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
400068废物和垃圾的回收利用recycling of waste and trash
400097废物处理(变形)waste treatment [transformation]
400105废物和垃圾的销毁destruction of waste and trash
400106废物和垃圾的焚化incineration of waste and trash
400109净化有害材料decontamination of hazardous materials
400116废物和可回收材料的分类(变形)sorting of waste and recyclable material [transformation]
400124废物再生upcycling [waste recycling]
400139混凝土粉碎crushing of concrete
C400007废气处理Waste gas treatment
C400008废水处理Wastewater treatment
 解毒有害材料Detoxification of hazardous materials
 化学品的回收利用Chemical recycling
 文件粉碎服务Document shredding services
 医疗废物的回收利用Medical waste recycling
 动物粪便处理Animal manure treatment
 温室气体处理Greenhouse gas treatment
 催化转换器的回收利用Catalytic converter recycling
 电池的回收利用Battery recycling
 垃圾处理Garbage treatment
 被捕获生物气体的洗涤Washing of captured biogas
 垃圾焚烧Gas incineration
 塑料的回收利用Plastic recycling
 (利用微生物进行净化的)生物修复服务Bioremediation services (microorganisms for purification)
 工业有毒废物处理Industrial toxic waste treatment
 烹饪油和植物油的回收利用服务Cooking and vegetable oil recycling services
 牙科废料提炼Dental waste refining
 辐射区净化服务Radiation zone decontamination services
 有害废物处理服务Hazardous waste treatment services
 废料压实机出租Waste compactor rental
 核废料处理Nuclear waste treatment
 废物回收Waste recycling
 废物销毁Waste destruction
 废物焚化Waste incineration
 废物粉碎机出租Waste shredder rental
 废物和可回收材料的分类Waste and recyclable material sorting
 废水再处理Wastewater reprocessing
 硬盘销毁服务Hard drive destruction services
 医疗废物焚化Medical waste incineration
 废物回收利用服务Waste recycling services
 已捕获的垃圾填埋气体的处理Captured landfill gas treatment
 有害液体处理Hazardous liquid treatment
 核燃料的回收利用Nuclear fuel recycling
 核废料净化Nuclear waste purification
 饮料瓶回收利用Beverage bottle recycling
 海洋垃圾处理Marine waste treatment
 PET塑料瓶的回收利用PET plastic bottle recycling
 化粪池出租Septic tank rental
 烹饪油和蔬菜油的回收利用服务Cooking and vegetable oil recycling services
 核燃料回收Nuclear fuel recycling
 废物和垃圾的回收Waste and garbage recycling
 垃圾焚化Gas incineration
4013 空气调节服务 Air conditioning services
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
400003空气净化air purification
400081空气除臭air deodorizing / air deodorising
400082空气清新air freshening
400118空调设备出租rental of air-conditioning apparatus
400119空间供暖设备出租rental of space heating apparatus
 空气净化设备出租Air purification equipment rental
 除湿器的出租Dehumidifier rental
 冷却用电风扇出租Cooling fan rental
 家用空间降温装置出租Home space cooling device rental
 室外冷却喷雾设备出租Outdoor cooling spray equipment rental
4014 水处理服务 Water treatment services
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
400025水处理water treating
C400009水净化Water purification
 商业用水过滤装置出租Commercial water filtration equipment rental
 海水淡化处理Seawater desalination
 水净化设备出租Water purification equipment rental
 水的去矿化Water demineralization
 水处理和净化Water treatment and purification
 污水处理Sewage treatment
 水处理设备出租Water treatment equipment rental
 水净化服务Water purification services
 水过滤器出租Water filter rental
 水处理服务Water treatment services
4015 单一服务 Single services
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
400084艺术品装框framing of works of art
400102牙科技师服务custom manufacturing of orthodontic appliances
400103能源生产production of energy
400104发电机出租rental of electricity generators
400121超低温冷冻服务(生命科学)cryopreservation services
400123锅炉出租rental of boilers
400127为他人定制3D打印custom 3D printing for others
400141电池出租rental of batteries
400142碳捕获carbon capture
400143可再生绿色能源的生产production of renewable green energy
400144与计算机连用的打印机的出租rental of printers for use with computers
C400003药材加工Medicinal materials processing
C400004燃料加工Fuel processing
C400005化学试剂加工和处理Chemical reagent processing and handling
 电力变压器出租Power transformer rental
 加热用锅炉出租Heating boiler rental
 工业用铸模的定制Customized industrial molds
 癌症疫苗定制Customized cancer vaccines
 矿石和精矿石的处理和加工Handling and processing of ores and concentrates
 生物药物的定制生产Customized production of biopharmaceuticals
 利用可再生资源生产电能Electricity production from renewable resources
 化学加工机器出租Chemical processing machinery rental
 环氧树脂加工Epoxy resin processing
 硅酮加工Silicone processing
 锁的定制生产Customized production of locks
 干式装裱服务Dry mounting services
 提供与烟草加工机器出租相关的信息Provide information related to tobacco processing machinery rental
 隐形眼镜着色Contact lens tinting
 钻石抛光Diamond polishing
 塑料材料铸模Plastic material molds
 半导体电路的定制生产Customized production of semiconductor circuits
 骨灰盒定制Customized urns
 墓碑雕刻Tombstone carving
 定制生产人用膳食补充剂Customized production of dietary supplements for human use
 为第三方混合润滑剂Blending of lubricants for third parties
 芳香疗法用混合香精油的定制生产Customized production of blended essential oils for aromatherapy
 电力发电机出租Power generator rental
 药品的定制生产Customized production of pharmaceuticals
 超低温冷冻服务Ultrasonic freezing services
 为他人定制计算机Customized computers for others
 原油和合成油的混合加工Blending of crude oil and synthetic oils
 博物馆艺术品的复制Reproduction of museum artworks
 水力发电设备出租Hydroelectric equipment rental
 被捕获生物气体的处理Processing of captured biogas
 定制生产化妆品Customized production of cosmetics
 石油气液化Liquefaction of petroleum gas
 石油化工产品的精炼Refining of petrochemical products
 半导体晶片的定制生产Semiconductor chips Custom production of wigs
 定制生产假发套Customized production of wigs
 调配定制颜色的油漆Mixed paint with customized colors
 图画装框Picture framing
 假牙定制Customized dentures
 封口印章的雕刻Engraving of seals
 雕刻服务Engraving services
 石材处理Stone processing
 炼油Oil refining
 炼油厂服务Oil refinery services
 半导体封装Semiconductor packaging
 气体加工服务Gas processing services
 气体生产服务Gas production services
 假发套的定制Customized wigs
 3D打印机出租Rental of 3D printers
 可再生能源发电Renewable energy generation
 电能生产设备出租Electricity generation equipment rental
 天然气加工Natural gas processing
 天然气液化服务Natural gas liquefaction services
 清洁能源生产Clean energy production
 燃料处理Fuel processing
 太阳能发电Solar power generation
 燃料精炼Fuel refining
 尿素合成处理Urea synthesis processing
 塑料层压Plastic lamination
 塑料加工Plastic processing
 发电Electricity generation
 大理石加工Marble processing
 调漆服务Paint mixing services
 混凝土加工Concrete processing
 激光雕刻Laser engraving
 艺术品装裱Artwork framing
 核燃料再处理Nuclear fuel reprocessing
 发电设备出租Power generation equipment rental
 钻石切割Diamond cutting
 宝石切割Gemstone cutting
 橡胶加工Rubber processing
 烟草加工机出租Tobacco processing machine rental
 风能发电Wind power generation
 为他人定制珠宝首饰Customized jewelry for others
 波浪能发电Wave power generation
 半导体晶片的加工Processing of semiconductor chips
 激光雕刻机出租Laser engraving machine rental
 定制手机保护壳Customized mobile phone cases
 发簪定制Hairpin customization
 汽车车衣定做服务Car cover customization services
 风力发电设备出租Wind power generation equipment rental
 核电站能源生产Nuclear power plant energy production
 假肢的定制制作Customized prosthesis
4016 船只定制生产服务 Customized ship production services
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
400133定制生产小船custom manufacturing of boats
 定制生产游艇Customized yacht production
4017 航空器定制生产服务 Customized aircraft production services
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
400136定制生产航空器custom manufacturing of aircraft
 航空器的定制装配Custom assembly of aircraft

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