
Trademark category 13

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Trademark category 13

China Trademark Categories in 2024

(Click each category for more information)

Category 13:  火器;军火及弹药;炸药;焰火。    Firearms; ammunition and projectiles; explosives; fireworks.

1301 火器,军火及子弹 Firearms, ammunition and bullets
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
130002炮架gun carriages [artillery]
130007机动武器motorized weapons
130008催泪武器tear-gas weapons
130010火器清洁刷cleaning brushes for firearms
130014大炮artillery guns [cannons]
130015弹道导弹ballistic weapons / ballistic missiles
130015弹道武器ballistic weapons / ballistic missiles
130016装子弹带装置apparatus for filling cartridge belts
130019弹壳cartridge cases
130021枪管rifle barrels / gun barrels
130021步枪枪管rifle barrels / gun barrels
130022卡宾枪rifles / carbines
130022步枪rifles / carbines
130024装弹装置cartridge loading apparatus
130025子弹袋cartridge pouches
130026猎枪hunting firearms / sporting firearms
130026体育用火器hunting firearms / sporting firearms
130028枪撞针hammers for guns and rifles / hammers for guns / hammers for rifles
130028步枪撞针hammers for guns and rifles / hammers for guns / hammers for rifles
130029角状火药容器powder horns
130031火器后膛breeches of firearms
130033步枪盒rifle cases / gun cases
130033枪盒rifle cases / gun cases
130035信号火箭signal rocket flares
130036枪(武器)guns [weapons]
130038枪和步枪用瞄准镜sighting mirrors for guns and rifles / sighting mirrors for guns / sighting mirrors for rifles
130038步枪瞄准镜sighting mirrors for guns and rifles / sighting mirrors for guns / sighting mirrors for rifles
130038枪瞄准镜sighting mirrors for guns and rifles / sighting mirrors for guns / sighting mirrors for rifles
130040枪和步枪用扳机保险trigger guards for guns and rifles / trigger guards for rifles
130040步枪扳机保险trigger guards for guns and rifles / trigger guards for rifles
130041打猎铅弹lead shot for hunting
130042火器弹药ammunition for firearms
130043火箭发射装置rocket launchers
130046机枪machine guns
130047迫击炮(火器)mortars [firearms]
130048炮弹shells [projectiles]
130049手枪(武器)pistols [arms]
130052导弹(武器)projectiles [weapons]
130056重武器炮耳trunnions for heavy weapons
130057发射平台firing platforms
130058除瞄准望远镜外的火器用瞄准器sights, other than telescopic sights, for firearms
130059气枪(武器)air pistols [weapons]
130063武器肩带shoulder straps for weapons / bandoliers for weapons
130065除瞄准望远镜外的武器用瞄准器sights, other than telescopic sights, for artillery
130068火箭(自动推进武器)rockets [projectiles]
130069捕鲸炮harpoon guns
130070枪支用消声器noise-suppressors for guns
130071坦克车(武器)tanks [weapons]
130074弹药带belts adapted for ammunition
130075自动武器用弹药带automatic firearm ammunition belts
130077随身武器(火器)side arms [firearms]
130078手榴弹hand grenades
130079信号枪flare pistols
130080爆炸性或烟火式救援信号弹rescue flares, explosive or pyrotechnic
130081发令枪starting pistols / starter pistols
130082捕鲸炮用鱼叉harpoons adapted for harpoon guns
C130001炮衣Gun jackets
C130007防暴捕网器Riot nets
C130008捕捉网发射器Net launchers
 高射炮Anti-aircraft guns
 自动枪Automatic guns
 步枪弹药Rifle ammunition
 无后座力炮Recoilless guns
 火器专用武器盒Weapon cases for firearms
 枪支用清洁刷Cleaning brushes for firearms
 枪衣Gun covers
 气弹枪Air guns
 弹丸枪Pellet guns
 空投炸弹Air-dropped bombs
 弹药升降机Ammunition lifters
 枪支专用包Packs for firearms
 穿甲弹Armor-piercing bullets
 自动手枪Automatic pistols
 自动左轮手枪Automatic revolvers
 枪口补偿器Muzzle compensators
 子弹带装弹机Bomb belt loaders
 舰对空导弹Ship-to-air missiles
 电传导武器Electroconductive weapons
 步枪专用包Packs for rifles
 用火箭推进的弹道导弹Rocket-propelled ballistic missiles
 空对地导弹Air-to-ground missiles
 自动枪支用弹壳收集器Cases collectors for automatic firearms
 红外线防御火箭用弹头Warheads for infrared defense rockets
 火器专用便携箱Carrying cases for firearms
 轻武器用装弹设备Loading equipment for small arms
 火箭用烟雾弹Smoke bombs for rockets
 已装药的炮弹Pre-charged shells
 装甲车和坦克用烟雾弹Smoke bombs for armored vehicles and tanks
 枪支支架Gun stands
 燃烧弹Incendiary bombs
 深水炸弹Depth charges
 巡航导弹Cruise missiles
 烟火发射装置Firework launchers
 步枪背带Rifle straps
 机枪子弹Machine gun cartridges
 军用步枪Military rifles
 枪炮噪声抑制器Gun noise suppressors
 重炮Heavy artillery
 步枪子弹Rifle cartridges
 毒气弹(武器)Poison gas cartridges (weapons)
 枪械弹盒Gun magazines
 火器保险栓Firearm safety catches
 制导导弹Guided missiles
 迫击炮弹Mortar shells
 电击枪Stun guns
 制导炮弹Guided artillery shells
 投弹器Bomb throwers
 猎枪弹Shotgun shells
 猎枪子弹Shotgun cartridges
 气枪Air guns
 气枪子弹Air gun cartridges
 远程大炮Long-range artillery
 火箭炮Rocket launchers
 火器弹匣用快速装弹器Speed ​​loader for firearm magazines
 带弹匣袋的手枪套Pistol holsters with magazine pouches
 火器用两脚架Bipods for firearms
 捕鲸炮(武器)Whaling guns (weapons)
 手枪收纳箱Pistol storage cases
 枪支用弹托Gun stocks
 左轮手枪枪柄Revolver grips
 枪支用子弹Gun cartridges
1302 爆炸物 Explosives
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
130003爆炸弹药筒explosive cartridges
130005硝酸铵炸药ammonium nitrate explosives
130018起爆栓detonating plugs
130030火药棉guncotton / pyroxylin
130044地雷用炸药导火线fuses for explosives, for use in mines
130045地雷(爆炸物)mines [explosives]
130051爆炸火药explosive powders
130053自燃性引火物pyrophoric substances
130060炸药导火线fuses for explosives
130061起爆药(导火线)primings [fuses]
130062炸药点火拉绳detonating fuses for explosives / firing lanyards for explosives
130062炸药用引爆信管detonating fuses for explosives / firing lanyards for explosives
130066非玩具用火帽detonating caps, other than toys / percussion caps, other than toys
C130002做炸药用木粉Wood powder for explosives
C130003射钉弹Nail bullets
C130004发令纸Starting paper
 烟火产品用弹药筒Pyrotechnic cartridges
 猎枪用火药Gunpowder for shotguns
 反坦克地雷Anti-tank mines
 弹药推进用烟火混合物Pyrotechnic mixtures for ammunition propellants
 水下矿井爆破用引爆装置Detonators for underwater mine blasting
 烟火药Pyrotechnic powder
 液体炸药Liquid explosives
 爆炸装置Explosive devices
 黑火药Black powder
 黑火药用弹药筒Black powder cartridges
1303 烟火,爆竹 Fireworks and firecrackers
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
130017信号烟火Bengal lights
130054烟火产品pyrotechnic products
130064爆炸性烟雾信号fog signals, explosive
 烟雾信号Smoke signals
 烽火信号Beacon signals
 发光的爆炸性烟雾信号Luminous explosive smoke signals
 烟幕弹Smoke bombs
1304 个人防护用喷雾 Personal protective sprays


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