DeepSeek Equity Structure

  1. DeepSeek has two direct shareholders, Mr. Liang Wenfeng holds 1% stake of DeepSeek, Ningbo Cheng’en LLP holds 99% stake of DeepSeek.
  2. Ningbo Cheng’en LLP has 3 partners,
    LP Mr. Liang Wenfeng holds 51.1%;
    LP Ningbo Chengxin Partners holds 49.8%;
    GP Ningbo Chengpu Ltd. holds 0.1%.
  3. Ningbo Chengxin LLP has 5 partners,
    LP Mr. Liang Wenfeng holds 68.14%;
    LP Mr. Lihuan holds 12.03%;
    LP Zhengda holds 12.03%;
    LP Chengzhe holds 7.7%;
    GP Ningbo Chengpu Ltd. holds 0.1%.
  4. Ningbo Chengpu Ltd. has 4 shareholders,
    Mr. Liang Wenfeng holds 68.21%;
    Mr. Lihuan holds 12.04%;
    Zhengda holds 12.04%;
    Chengzhe holds 7.71%.
  5. From the above shows that Mr. Liang Wenfeng holds 84.2945% of DeekSeek via direct and indirect controlling.
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