
Trademark category 31

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Trademark category 31

China Trademark Categories in 2024

(Click each category for more information)

Category 31:  未加工的农业、水产养殖业、园艺、林业产品;未加工的谷物和种子;新鲜水果和蔬菜,新鲜芳香草本植物;草木和花卉;种植用球茎、幼苗和种子;活动物;动物的饮食;麦芽。 Raw and unprocessed agricultural, aquacultural, horticultural and forestry products; raw and unprocessed grains and seeds; fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh herbs; natural plants and flowers; bulbs, seedlings and seeds for planting; live animals; foodstuffs and beverages for animals; malt.

3101 未加工的林业产品 Unprocessed forest products
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
310009圣诞树Christmas trees*
310010树干trunks of trees
310011灌木shrubs / bushes
310017未切锯木材unsawn timber
310018制木浆的木片wood chips for the manufacture of wood pulp
310019未加工木材undressed timber
310078未加工软木rough cork
310100棕榈叶(棕榈树叶)palms [leaves of the palm tree]
310101棕榈树palm trees
310139未加工树皮raw barks
310175桑拿用桦树条birch sauna whisks
 圣诞树(砍下的活植物)Christmas trees (cut live plants)
 植物(活的)Plants (live)
 榴莲树苗Durian saplings
 盆栽矮树Dwarf trees in pots
 棕榈叶(未加工或半加工原料)Palm leaves (unprocessed or semi-processed raw materials)
 未剥皮木材Unpeeled wood
 活树木Live trees
 砍下的圣诞树Cut Christmas trees
 玫瑰树Rose trees
3102 未加工的谷物及农产品(不包括蔬菜,种子) Unprocessed grains and agricultural products (excluding vegetables and seeds)
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
310020未加工可可豆cocoa beans, raw
310066谷(谷类)grains [cereals]
310120未加工的食用芝麻edible sesame, unprocessed
310144未加工稻谷rice, unprocessed
310160未加工的食用亚麻籽edible linseed, unprocessed / edible flaxseed, unprocessed
310164未加工的甜玉米棒(剥皮的或未剥皮的)unprocessed sweet corn ears [husked or unhusked]
310165未加工藜麦quinoa, unprocessed
310166未加工荞麦buckwheat, unprocessed
310176未加工的南瓜籽squash seeds, unprocessed
310178未加工的斯佩尔特小麦spelt, unprocessed
310180未加工的小的斯佩尔特小麦small spelt, unprocessed
310182未加工的咖啡果coffee fruit, unprocessed
 新鲜鹰嘴豆Fresh chickpeas
 未加工的糖料作物Unprocessed sugar crops
 未加工的高粱Unprocessed sorghum
 未加工的谷物Unprocessed grains
 未加工的红豆Unprocessed red beans
 未加工的苔麸Unprocessed teff
 新鲜燕麦Fresh oats
 新鲜豆子Fresh beans
 未加工粟Unprocessed millet
 未加工的小麦Unprocessed wheat
 未加工的亚麻籽Unprocessed flaxseed
 未加工谷类Unprocessed cereals
 未加工玉米Unprocessed corn
 未加工黍Unprocessed millet
 未加工大麦Unprocessed barley
 新鲜小麦Fresh wheat
 未加工的藜麦Unprocessed quinoa
 新鲜印加豆Fresh Inca beans
 未加工日本稗Unprocessed Japanese barnyardgrass
3103 花卉,草本植物 Flowers and herbs
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
310038啤酒花果穗unprocessed hop cones
310044自然花制花环wreaths of natural flowers
310046草制覆盖物straw mulch
310055自然花flowers, natural
310056装饰用干花flowers, dried, for decoration
310057花粉(原材料)pollen [raw material]
310063自然草皮turf, natural / sod
310070新鲜的园艺草本植物garden herbs, fresh
310073啤酒花unprocessed hops
310091花卉球茎flower bulbs / bulbs
310091球茎flower bulbs / bulbs
310104藤本植物vine plants
310106辣椒(植物)peppers [plants]
310107装饰用干植物plants, dried, for decoration
310117蔷薇丛rose bushes
310148芦荟(植物)aloe vera plants
 装饰用干玉米壳Decorative dried corn husks
 自然的开花植物Natural flowering plants
 蛇麻球果Hops cones
 鲜花插花Flower arrangements
 新鲜草本植物Fresh herbs
 鲜花Fresh flowers
 鲜切花Fresh cut flowers
 干花Dried flowers
 郁金香(自然花)Tulips (natural flowers)
 凉粉草(植物)Agarwood (plants)
 装饰用干草Decorative dried grass
 装饰用保鲜花Decorative preserved flowers
 新鲜园栽草Fresh garden grass
 鲜切花制花圈Wreaths made from fresh cut flowers
 鲜切花制花环Wreaths made from fresh cut flowers
 活灌木Live shrubs
 水果植物(活的)Fruit plants (live)
 园艺用球茎Garden bulbs
 农业用球茎Agricultural bulbs
 新鲜小麦草Fresh wheat grass
 装饰用干插花Decorative dried flower arrangements
 盆栽新鲜草本植物Potted fresh herbs
 新鲜胸花Fresh corsages
 未加工的草本植物Unprocessed herbs
 天然盆景树Natural bonsai trees
 新鲜山茱萸(活植物)Fresh dogwood (live plants)
 盆栽矮化树(盆景)Potted dwarf trees (bonsai)
 未加工的啤酒花Unprocessed hops
 百合(鲜花)Lilies (fresh flowers)
 植物(活的)Plants (live)
 活的藤植物Live vines
3104 活动物 Live animals
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
310005供展览用动物menagerie animals
310006活动物live animals
310041贝壳类动物(活的)shellfish, live
310045孵化蛋(已受精)eggs for hatching, fertilized / eggs for hatching, fertilised
310089鱼卵fish spawn
310090蚕种silkworm eggs
310103活鱼fish, live
310123活家禽poultry, live
310133小龙虾(活的)crayfish, live
310134甲壳动物(活的)crustaceans, live
310135龙虾(活的)lobsters, live
310136贻贝(活的)mussels, live
310137牡蛎(活的)oysters, live
310140多刺龙虾(活的)spiny lobsters, live
310145海参(活的)sea-cucumbers, live
310154鲱鱼(活的)herrings, live
310155鲑鱼(活的)salmon, live
310156沙丁鱼(活的)sardines, live
310157金枪鱼(活的)tuna, live
310162鳀鱼(活的)anchovy, live
310163可食用昆虫(活的)edible insects, live
310167锦鲤(活的)koi carp, live
310168软体动物(活的)molluscs, live / mollusks, live
C310002蚕蛹(活的)Silkworm pupae (live)
C310023虾(活的)Shrimp (live)
 观赏鱼Ornamental fish
 活鱼(非食用)Live fish (non-edible)
 昆虫(活的)Insects (live)
 繁殖用蚕茧Silkworm cocoons for breeding
 活明虾Live prawns
 孵化用受精卵Fertilized eggs for hatching
 活蜗牛Live snails
 鱿鱼(活的)Squid (live)
 枪乌贼(活的)Cuttlefish (live)
 活蜂蛹Live bee pupa
 海兔(活的)Sea hare (live)
 龙利鱼(活的)Sole (live)
 活鲑鱼Live salmon
 活母鸡Live hen
 活绵羊Live sheep
 北极贝(活的)Arctic clams (live)
 活的实验动物Live laboratory animals
 活猎物Live prey
 孵化蛋(活的)Hatching eggs (live)
 活墨鱼Live cuttlefish
 鲅鱼(活的)Spanish mackerel (live)
 多春鱼(活的)Capelin (live)
 雪蟹(活的)Snow crab (live)
 产卵用茧Egg-laying cocoons
 大闸蟹(活的)Hairy crab (live)
 孵化用蛋Hatching eggs
 鳖(活的)Turtle (live)
 活鸡Live chicken
 活家畜Live livestock
 活鲤鱼Live carp
 活龙虾Live lobster
 活牛Live cattle
 活珊瑚Live coral
 活山羊Live goat
 活牲畜Live livestock
 活虾Live shrimp
 活鸭Live duck
 活猪Live pig
 活螃蟹Live crab
 鸡(活的)Chicken (live)
 甲鱼(活的)Turtle (live)
 活鲍鱼Live abalone
 蝲蛄(活的)Crayfish (live)
 金鱼(活的)Goldfish (live)
 活羊Live sheep
 章鱼(活的)Octopus (live)
 鳕鱼(活的)Cod (live)
 比目鱼(活的)Flatfish (live)
 蛤(活的)Clams (live)
 活的可食用水生动物Live edible aquatic animals
 泥鳅(活的)Loach (live)
 鸟(活的)Birds (live)
 仓鼠(活的)Hamsters (live)
 活的水族池珊瑚Live aquarium corals
 海螺(活的)Conch (live)
 活赤贝Live ark shells
 活蓝贻贝Live blue mussels
 鲽鱼(活的)Plaice (live)
 鲫鱼(活的)Crucian carp (live)
 活鲷鱼(红鲷)Live snapper (red snapper)
 活的可食用水产动物Live edible aquatic animals
 活沙丁鱼Live sardines
 活海鲈鱼Live sea bass
 活短颈蛤Live short-necked clams
 鲢鱼(活的)Silver carp (live)
 鲈鱼(活的)Sea bass (live)
 鳟鱼(活的)Trout (live)
 活乌鸡Live black chicken
 磷虾(活的)Krill (live)
 鳗鱼(活的)Eel (live)
 黄花鱼(活的)Croaker (live)
 象拔蚌(活的)Geoduck (live)
 活鳕鱼Live cod
3105 未加工的水果及干果 Unprocessed fruits and dried fruits
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
310002新鲜柑橘citrus fruit, fresh
310004未加工的坚果nuts, unprocessed
310013新鲜浆果berries, fresh
310027新鲜栗子chestnuts, fresh
310032新鲜柠檬lemons, fresh
310033椰子壳coconut shell
310062新鲜水果fruit, fresh
310064桧树果juniper berries
310074可乐果kola nuts / cola nuts
310087新鲜榛子hazelnuts, fresh
310093新鲜橄榄olives, fresh
310094新鲜桔oranges, fresh
310105松树球果pine cones
310115新鲜葡萄grapes, fresh
310125扁桃(水果)almonds [fruits]
310126新鲜花生peanuts, fresh
310161新鲜水果制果篮arrangements of fresh fruit
C310003鲜枣Fresh dates
C310004新鲜西瓜Fresh watermelon
C310005新鲜甜瓜Fresh melon
C310006新鲜香蕉Fresh bananas
C310007新鲜苹果Fresh apples
C310008新鲜石榴Fresh pomegranates
C310009新鲜枇杷Fresh loquats
C310010新鲜芒果Fresh mangoes
C310011新鲜樱桃Fresh cherries
C310012新鲜荔枝Fresh lychees
C310013新鲜菠萝Fresh pineapples
C310014新鲜柚子Fresh grapefruits
C310015新鲜杨梅Fresh bayberries
C310016新鲜猕猴桃Fresh kiwis
C310017新鲜桃Fresh peaches
C310018新鲜梨Fresh pears
C310019新鲜杏Fresh apricots
C310024新鲜槟榔Fresh betel nuts
 新鲜蜜桔Fresh tangerines
 新鲜杏仁Fresh almonds
 新鲜松子Fresh pine nuts
 新鲜蜜瓜Fresh honeydew melon
 洋菇娘(新鲜水果)Mushrooms (fresh fruit)
 新鲜黄桃Fresh yellow peaches
 新鲜榅桲Fresh quince
 新鲜苹果芒Fresh apple mango
 新鲜榴莲Fresh durian
 新鲜红毛丹Fresh rambutan
 新鲜大蕉Fresh plantains
 新鲜香瓜Fresh cantaloupe
 新鲜黑树莓Fresh black raspberries
 新鲜的酿酒葡萄Fresh wine grapes
 新鲜酸橙Fresh limes
 未加工水果Raw fruit
 未加工橄榄Raw olives
 未加工苹果Raw apples
 新鲜腰果Fresh cashews
 新鲜可乐果Fresh cola nuts
 新鲜雪莲果Fresh yacon
 新鲜莲雾Fresh wax apples
 新鲜火参果Fresh fire ginseng fruit
 新鲜龙功果Fresh dragon fruit
 新鲜蛇皮果Fresh snake fruit
 新鲜李子Fresh plums
 新鲜蔓越莓Fresh cranberries
 新鲜木瓜Fresh papayas
 新鲜山竹Fresh mangosteens
 新鲜山楂Fresh hawthorns
 新鲜柿子Fresh persimmons
 新鲜杨桃Fresh carambolas
 新鲜椰子Fresh coconuts
 新鲜银杏果Fresh ginkgo nuts
 新鲜鳄梨Fresh avocados
 鲜杏Fresh apricots
 新鲜草莓Fresh strawberries
 新鲜番石榴Fresh guava
 新鲜桂圆Fresh longans
 新鲜核桃Fresh walnuts
 新鲜黑莓Fresh blackberries
 新鲜胡桃Fresh walnuts
 新鲜火龙果Fresh dragon fruit
 新鲜坚果Fresh nuts
 新鲜蓝莓Fresh blueberries
 甜瓜(新鲜的)Melons (fresh)
 新鲜乌饭果Fresh blackberries
 新鲜开心果Fresh pistachios
 新鲜葡萄柚Fresh grapefruits
 新鲜无花果Fresh figs
 新鲜菲油果Fresh philadelphica
 新鲜刺果番荔枝Fresh soursops
 新鲜番荔枝Fresh sugar apples
 新鲜黄金莓Fresh golden berries
 新鲜格尼帕果Fresh genipa
 新鲜人心果Fresh sapodillas
 新鲜草莓番石榴Fresh strawberry guava
 新鲜奎东茄Fresh quetonberries
 新鲜腰果梨Fresh cashew pears
 新鲜西番莲果Fresh passion fruit
 新鲜脐橙Fresh navel oranges
 新鲜金桔Fresh kumquats
 新鲜血橙Fresh blood oranges
 新鲜棕榈果Fresh palm fruit
 新鲜菠萝蜜Fresh jackfruits
 新鲜桑葚Fresh mulberries
 新鲜青椰子Fresh green coconuts
 鲜椰枣Fresh Coconut dates
3106 新鲜蔬菜 Fresh vegetables
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
310003人或动物食用的未加工海藻algae, unprocessed, for human or animal consumption / seaweed, unprocessed, for human or animal consumption
310015新鲜甜菜beet, fresh
310022新鲜角豆(带荚)locust beans, raw
310024新鲜蘑菇mushrooms, fresh
310029菊苣根chicory roots
310030新鲜菊苣chicory, fresh
310037新鲜黄瓜cucumbers, fresh
310042新鲜蔬菜vegetables, fresh
310043新鲜南瓜squashes, fresh
310054鲜豆(带荚)beans, fresh
310075新鲜莴苣lettuce, fresh
310076新鲜小扁豆(带荚)lentils, fresh
310092新鲜洋葱onions, fresh
310108新鲜韭葱leeks, fresh
310109新鲜豌豆(带荚)peas, fresh
310110新鲜土豆potatoes, fresh
310116大黄(新鲜蔬菜)rhubarb, fresh
310121新鲜块菌truffles, fresh
310149新鲜菠菜spinach, fresh
310153新鲜洋蓟artichokes, fresh
310158新鲜蒜garlic, fresh
310159新鲜西葫芦vegetable marrows, fresh
310170食用鲜花edible flowers, fresh
310171新鲜姜ginger, fresh
310172新鲜黄豆(带荚)soya beans, fresh
C310020鲜食用菌Fresh edible mushrooms
C310025新鲜青蒜Fresh green garlic
C310026食用新鲜芦荟Edible fresh aloe vera
C310027食用新鲜仙人掌Edible fresh cactus
 新鲜柿子椒Fresh bell peppers
 新鲜油麦菜Fresh lettuce
 未加工的火葱Unprocessed shallots
 新鲜桔梗根Fresh platycodon root
 新鲜四季豆Fresh green beans
 新鲜甜薯Fresh sweet potatoes
 新鲜薯蓣Fresh yams
 新鲜辣根Fresh horseradish
 新鲜的鹰嘴豆(带荚)Fresh chickpeas (with pods)
 新鲜银耳Fresh white fungus
 新鲜芝麻菜Fresh rocket
 新鲜薄荷Fresh mint
 新鲜食用茼蒿Fresh edible chrysanthemum
 新鲜地环(蔬菜)Fresh ground collards (vegetables)
 食用鲜百合Edible fresh lilies
 新鲜球芽甘蓝Fresh brussels sprouts
 新鲜厨用香草Fresh culinary herbs
 未加工的西洋葵菜根Raw hollandaise roots
 新鲜甘蓝Fresh cabbage
 新鲜花椒叶Fresh pepper leaves
 新鲜山葵Fresh horseradish
 新鲜香芹Fresh parsley
 新鲜紫苏叶Fresh basil leaves
 新鲜豆荚Fresh bean pods
 未加工蘑菇Raw mushrooms
 未加工土豆Raw potatoes
 未加工的番茄Raw tomatoes
 未加工的姜Raw ginger
 新鲜胡椒Fresh peppercorns
 鲜平菇Fresh oyster mushrooms
 食用新鲜茼蒿Edible fresh chrysanthemum
 新鲜蒜薹Fresh garlic sprouts
 未加工紫菜Raw laver
 食用鲜银耳Edible fresh white fungus
 食用新鲜马齿苋Edible fresh purslane
 毛豆(新鲜连荚大豆)Edamame (fresh soybeans with pods)
 食用鲜黑木耳Edible fresh black fungus
 新鲜萝卜芽Fresh radish sprouts
 新鲜猴头菇Fresh hericium erinaceus
 未加工的蔬菜Raw vegetables
 新鲜红薯Fresh sweet potatoes
 新鲜胡萝卜Fresh carrots
 新鲜黄花菜Fresh daylily
 新鲜芥菜Fresh mustard greens
 新鲜韭菜Fresh chives
 新鲜卷心菜Fresh cabbage
 新鲜莲藕Fresh lotus root
 新鲜芦笋Fresh asparagus
 新鲜牛蒡Fresh burdock
 新鲜茄子Fresh eggplant
 新鲜芹菜Fresh celery
 新鲜山药Fresh yam
 新鲜生菜Fresh lettuce
 新鲜松露Fresh truffles
 鲜香菇Fresh shiitake mushrooms
 新鲜白菜Fresh Chinese cabbage
 新鲜大白菜Fresh Chinese cabbage
 新鲜大蒜Fresh garlic
 新鲜地瓜Fresh sweet potato
 新鲜地瓜叶Fresh sweet potato leaves
 荸荠(新鲜的)Water chestnuts (fresh)
 新鲜豆芽Fresh bean sprouts
 新鲜甘薯Fresh sweet potato
 新鲜西红柿Fresh tomatoes
 新鲜小白菜Fresh pakchoi
 新鲜竹笋Fresh bamboo shoots
 新鲜芡实Fresh gorgon fruit
 新鲜荸荠Fresh water chestnuts
 新鲜蕨菜Fresh fern
 新鲜辣椒Fresh chili
 新鲜生姜Fresh ginger
 新鲜扁豆Fresh lentils
 青蒜Green garlic
 食用芦荟Edible aloe vera
 新鲜藕带Fresh lotus stems
 未加工的螺旋藻Raw spirulina
 新鲜玉米笋Fresh baby corn
 新鲜圣女果Fresh cherry tomatoes
 新鲜秋葵Fresh okra
 人食用的未加工海藻Raw seaweed for human consumption
 动物食用海藻Seaweed for animal consumption
 新鲜杏鲍菇Fresh king oyster mushrooms
 新鲜的可食用根茎Fresh edible rhizomes
 新鲜蚕豆(带荚)Fresh broad beans (with pods)
 新鲜白胡萝卜(秘鲁胡萝卜)Fresh white carrots (Peruvian carrots)
 未加工褐藻(海藻)Raw brown algae (seaweed)
 未加工海带(海藻)Raw kelp (seaweed)
 未加工海白菜(海藻)Raw sea lettuce (seaweed)
 未加工海藻(裙带菜)Raw seaweed (wakame)
 新鲜海带Fresh kelp
 新鲜红葱Fresh shallots
 人或动物食用的未加工藻类Raw algae for human or animal consumption
 新鲜青葱Fresh shallots
 新鲜山葵根Fresh wasabi root
 新鲜细香葱Fresh chives
 新鲜细叶芹Fresh chervil
 芫根(新鲜蔬菜)Coriander root (fresh vegetable)
 未加工的甜菜Raw beets
 洋葱(新鲜蔬菜)Onions (fresh vegetable)
 食用仙人掌Edible cactus
 新鲜角豆Fresh carob
 新鲜的食用绣球菌Fresh edible hydrangea
 新鲜的西洋菜Fresh watercress
 新鲜姬菇Fresh shimeji mushrooms
 新鲜百合(可食用鳞茎)Fresh lily (edible bulb)
 新鲜竹荪Fresh bamboo fungus
 新鲜的欧防根Fresh parsnip root
3107 种子 Seeds
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
310023未加工谷种cereal seeds, unprocessed
310025蘑菇繁殖菌mushroom spawn for propagation
310065培育植物用胚芽(种子)seed germ for botanical purposes
310068植物种子seeds for planting / plant seeds
 农业用种子Agricultural seeds
 农作物种子Crop seeds
 苹果树种子Apple tree seeds
 漆树种子Sumac seeds
 蔬菜种子Vegetable seeds
 水果种子Fruit seeds
 园艺用种子Gardening seeds
 草籽Grass seeds
 播种用种子Seeds for sowing
 花的种子Flower seeds
 未加工亚麻种子Raw flax seeds
 未加工的奇亚籽Raw chia seeds
 未加工的含油种子Raw oil seeds
 农业用未加工种子Agricultural raw seeds
3108 动物饲料 Animal feed
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
310007动物食品animal foodstuffs
310014牲畜用盐salt for cattle
310026饲料饼oil cake / cattle cake
310026油渣饼oil cake / cattle cake
310028动物饲料用氧化钙lime for animal forage
310031狗食用饼干dog biscuits
310035鸟食bird food
310036牲畜用菜籽饼rape cake for cattle
310039动物食用糠料bran mash for animal consumption
310048动物食用酿酒废料distillery waste for animal consumption
310050饲养备料bred stock
310052家畜催肥剂animal fattening preparations / livestock fattening preparations
310052动物催肥剂animal fattening preparations / livestock fattening preparations
310053米粉饲料rice meal for forage
310059牲畜强壮饲料strengthening animal forage
310060饲料fodder / cattle food / forage
310060牲畜饲料fodder / cattle food / forage
310067动物食用谷类grains for animal consumption
310069家禽食用去壳谷物groats for poultry
310077动物食用酵母yeast for animal consumption
310079亚麻粉(饲料)flax meal [fodder]
310083牲畜食用玉米饼maize cake for cattle
310086果渣fruit residue [marc] / marc
310086水果渣fruit residue [marc] / marc
310088动物食用谷粉meal for animals
310097鸟用乌贼骨cuttle bone for birds
310099稻草(饲料)straw [forage]
310102家畜催肥熟饲料mash for fattening livestock
310111下蛋家禽用备料preparations for egg laying poultry
310112动物饲料stall food for animals
310114动物食用植物根roots for animal consumption
310122蒸馏器蒸馏后余渣residue in a still after distillation
310124动物食用豆科类种子和豆荚algarovilla for animal consumption
310127动物食用花生粗粉peanut meal for animals
310128动物食用花生饼peanut cake for animals
310129动物食用谷类加工副产品by-products of the processing of cereals, for animal consumption / residual products of cereals for animal consumption
310129动物食用谷类残余产品by-products of the processing of cereals, for animal consumption / residual products of cereals for animal consumption
310131甘蔗渣(原料)bagasses of cane [raw material]
310132鱼饵(活的)fishing bait, live
310138宠物食品pet food
310141动物可食用咀嚼物edible chews for animals
310142宠物饮料beverages for pets
310143动物食用鱼粉fish meal for animal consumption
310150动物食用亚麻籽linseed for animal consumption / flaxseed for animal consumption
310151动物食用亚麻籽粉linseed meal for animal consumption / flaxseed meal for animal consumption
310152动物食用小麦胚芽wheat germ for animal consumption
310169冻干鱼饵freeze-dried fishing bait
 配方饲料Formulated feed
 宠物食用的鱼罐头Canned fish for pets
 可食用的非活鱼饵Edible non-live fish bait
 动物饲料用酵母Yeast for animal feed
 未加工的甘蔗渣Raw bagasse
 动物食用海藻粉Seaweed meal for animals
 家畜用矿物盐舔砖Mineral salt lick blocks for livestock
 宠物兔粮Rabbit food for pets
 啮齿动物食品Rodent food
 动物食用加工过的种子Processed seeds for animals
 马用食品Horse food
 农庄动物用食品Farm animal food
 小狗用食品Puppy food
 海洋动物用食品Marine animal food
 羊用食品Sheep food
 小牛用食品Calf food
 小鸡用食品Chicken food
 鸟用食品Bird food
 狗用罐头食品Canned dog food
 猫用罐头食品Canned cat food
 动物饲料用天然大米Natural rice for animal feed
 合成饲料Synthetic feed
 含有植物萃取物的动物食品Animal food with plant extracts
 狗食用咀嚼物Dog chews
 活钓饵Live fishing bait
 豆粉(饲料)Soy flour (feed)
 动物食用菜籽粕Rapeseed meal for animals
 宠物用奶粉Milk powder for pets
 宠物零食Pet treats
 动物饮料Animal drinks
 鱼食Fish food
 鱼用食品Fish food
 混合动物饲料Mixed animal feed
 活鱼饵Live fish bait
 猫粮Cat food
 狗饮料Dog drinks
 狗用可消化咀嚼骨头Digestible chew bones for dogs
 狗用食品Dog food
 鸟饲料Bird feed
 家畜饲料Live animal feed
 家畜用食品Live animal food
 马饲料Horse feed
 观赏鱼用鱼食Fish food for ornamental fish
 鱼粉(动物饲料)Fish meal (animal feed)
 米糠(动物饲料)Rice bran (animal feed)
 淀粉浆(动物饲料)Starch slurry (animal feed)
 动物用奶粉Milk powder for animals
 狗粮Dog food
 喂鸟的谷粒Cereals for bird feed
 宠物猫食用的木天蓼粉Polygonum aviculare powder for pet cats
 金鱼用鱼食Fish food for goldfish
 可消化的狗用咀嚼骨头Digestible chewing bones for dogs
 诱饵(活的)Bait (live)
 以奶为基础的动物食品Milk-based animal food
 动物用牛奶替代品Milk substitutes for animals
 仓鼠饲料Hamster food
 观赏鱼用饲料Ornamental fish feed
 金鱼饲料Goldfish feed
 可食用的狗零食Edible dog treats
 鸽子饲料Pigeon feed
 豆饼(饲料)Bean cake (feed)
 鹦鹉饲料Parrot feed
 动物咀嚼用食物Animal chewing food
3109 麦芽 Malt
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
310084酿酒麦芽malt for brewing and distilling
3110 动物栖息用干草等制品 Hay and other products for animal habitat
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
310080动物栖息用干草litter for animals
310081动物栖息用泥炭litter peat
310098动物垫窝用干稻草straw litter
310146宠物用砂纸(垫窝用)sanded paper [litter] for pets
310147宠物用香砂aromatic sand [litter] for pets
310181宠物厕所用砂sand for pet toilets
310183动物垫窝用刨花wood shavings for animal bedding
 鸟笼用沙纸Sandpaper for bird cages
 小动物用垫窝草Bedding grass for small animals
 动物垫窝用木屑Sawdust for animal bedding
 猫栖息用干草Hay for cats
 动物栖息用碎草Cut grass for animal bedding
 动物栖息用纤维素纸Cellulose paper for animal bedding
 鸟笼用砂纸Sandpaper for bird cages
 猫砂Cat litter
 家畜用沙纸(垫窝用)Sandpaper for livestock (bedding)
 宠物用褥草Bedding grass for pets
 动物栖息用木屑Sawdust for animal bedding
 猫和小动物栖息用干草Hay for cats and small animals

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