
Trademark category 30

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Trademark category 30

China Trademark Categories in 2024

(Click each category for more information)

Category 30:  咖啡、茶、可可及其代用;米,意式面食,面条;食用淀粉和西米;面粉和谷类制品;面包、糕点和甜食;巧克力;冰淇淋,果汁刨冰和其他食用冰;糖,蜂蜜,糖浆;鲜酵母,发酵粉;食盐,调味料,香辛料,腌制香草;醋,调味酱汁和其他调味品;冰(冻结的水)。 Coffee, tea, cocoa and substitutes therefor; rice, pasta and noodles; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastries and confectionery; chocolate; ice cream, sorbets and other edible ices; sugar, honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, seasonings, spices, preserved herbs; vinegar, sauces and other condiments; ice (frozen water).

3001 咖啡,咖啡代用品,可可 Coffee, coffee substitutes, cocoa
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
300010咖啡用调味品coffee flavourings / coffee flavorings
300027未烘烤的咖啡豆unroasted coffee beans
300028作咖啡代用品的植物制剂vegetal preparations for use as coffee substitutes
300036菊苣(咖啡代用品)chicory [coffee substitute]
300083加奶可可饮料cocoa beverages with milk
300084加奶咖啡饮料coffee beverages with milk
300085加奶巧克力饮料chocolate beverages with milk
300149咖啡饮料coffee-based beverages
300150可可饮料cocoa-based beverages
300151巧克力饮料chocolate-based beverages
300152咖啡代用品coffee substitutes
300204巧克力慕斯酱chocolate mousses
300241巧克力抹酱chocolate-based spreads
300242含坚果的巧克力抹酱chocolate spreads containing nuts
300249炼奶焦糖酱dulce de leche
300286已填充的咖啡胶囊coffee capsules, filled
300297可可替代品cocoa substitutes
300310可可粒cocoa nibs
300320烘焙过的咖啡豆roasted coffee beans
C300001麦乳精Malted milk
C300002乐口福Le Koufu
C300137巧克力酱Chocolate sauce
 冰镇巧克力饮料Iced chocolate drinks
 滴滤咖啡Drip coffee
 冻干咖啡Freeze-dried coffee
 含木糖醇的可可饮料Cocoa drinks with xylitol
 含奶的巧克力饮料Chocolate drinks with milk
 黑咖啡Black coffee
 咖啡粉Coffee powder
 咖啡制成的饮料Coffee-based drinks
 颗粒状咖啡Granulated coffee
 可可粉Cocoa powder
 冰冻咖啡Iced coffee
 冰咖啡Iced coffee
 以咖啡为主的饮料Coffee-based drinks
 以巧克力为主的饮料Chocolate-based drinks
 蒸馏咖啡饮料Essential coffee drinks
 浓缩可可Concentrated cocoa
 速溶咖啡Instant coffee
 炭烧咖啡Roasted coffee
 无咖啡因的咖啡Decaffeinated coffee
 无咖啡因咖啡Decaffeinated coffee
 研磨咖啡Ground coffee
 巧克力粉Chocolate powder
 热巧克力Hot chocolate
 热巧克力饮料Hot chocolate drinks
 烘培糕点用可可Cocoa for baking
 加咖啡的巧克力饮料Chocolate drinks with coffee
 加可可的咖啡饮料Coffee drinks with cocoa
 加巧克力的咖啡饮料Coffee drinks with chocolate
 加入香草的咖啡饮料Coffee drinks with herbs
 加糖的咖啡饮料Coffee drinks with sugar
 加香料的咖啡饮料Coffee drinks with spices
 磨碎的咖啡豆Ground coffee beans
 咖啡粉包Coffee powder bags
 可可(烘过的、粉末状的、颗粒状的或饮料用的)Cocoa (roasted, powdered, granulated or for beverages)
 人食用可可提取物Cocoa extract for human consumption
 咖啡(烘过的、粉末状的、颗粒状的或饮料用的)Coffee (roasted, powdered, granulated or for beverages) 
 咖啡代用品(人造咖啡或用作咖啡的蔬菜制剂)Coffee substitutes (artificial coffee or vegetable preparations used as coffee)
 咖啡精(咖啡代用品)Coffee essence (coffee substitute)
 咖啡提取物(咖啡代用品)Coffee extract (coffee substitute)
 咖啡替代品用菊苣和菊苣混合剂Chicory and chicory blends for coffee substitutes
 菊苣咖啡混合物Chicory coffee blends
 烘焙的咖啡豆Roasted coffee beans
 烘烤过的咖啡豆Roasted coffee beans
 即冲即饮的咖啡Instant coffee
 即溶可可Instant cocoa
 即饮巧克力饮料Ready-to-drink chocolate drinks
 加牛奶的可可饮料Cocoa drinks with milk
 加压煮出的浓咖啡饮料Pre-brewed espresso drinks
 含有牛奶的咖啡饮料Coffee drinks with milk
 含有牛奶的巧克力饮料Chocolate drinks with milk
 烤制咖啡Roasted coffee
 颗粒状的咖啡Granulated coffee
 脱除咖啡因的咖啡Decaffeinated coffee
 磨成粉末的咖啡Ground coffee
 糖衣咖啡豆Dried coffee beans
 巧克力酱汁Chocolate sauce
 热可可粉Hot cocoa powder
 纯素热巧克力Vegan hot chocolate
 咖啡调味香料(调味品)Coffee flavorings (condiments)
 含牛奶的巧克力饮料Chocolate drinks with milk
 人造咖啡Artificial coffee
 滤挂式咖啡Drip coffee
 液态浓缩咖啡Liquid espresso
 预定剂量的袋装咖啡粉Pre-dosed coffee powder in bags
 制作好的可可饮料Prepared cocoa drinks
 可可酱Cocoa sauce
 巧克力热饮Hot chocolate drinks
 用在面包上的巧克力涂抹酱Chocolate spreads for bread
 可可为主的涂抹酱Cocoa-based spreads
 加奶的巧克力涂抹酱Chocolate spreads with milk
3002 茶,茶饮料 Tea, tea drinks
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
300186冰茶iced tea
300187茶饮料tea-based beverages
300221用作茶叶代用品的花或叶flowers or leaves for use as tea substitutes
300248甘菊茶饮料chamomile-based beverages
300281昆布茶kelp tea
300292加奶的茶饮料tea beverages with milk
300294草本茶herbal teas*
C300146红茶Black tea
C300147绿茶Green tea
C300148乌龙茶Oolong tea
C300149黄茶Yellow tea
C300150黑茶Black tea
C300151白茶White tea
C300152茉莉花茶Jasmine tea
C300153铁观音茶Iron Goddess of Mercy tea
 格雷伯爵茶Earl Grey tea
 加甜味剂的无茶碱茶Theophylline-free tea with sweeteners
 莓茶(用作茶叶代用品的显齿蛇葡萄叶)Berry tea (Vitis vinifera leaves used as tea substitute)
 无咖啡碱且带增甜剂的茶Caffeine-free tea with sweeteners
 茶(大红袍)Tea (Da Hong Pao)
 薄荷茶Mint tea
 半发酵茶Semi-fermented tea
 草本茶饮料Herbal tea beverages
 茶叶粉Tea powder
 冲泡用茶Break tea
 大麦茶Barley tea
 茶叶Tea leaves
 全发酵茶Fully fermented tea
 速溶黑茶Instant black tea
 青茶饮料Green tea beverages
 以植物花为原料的茶叶代用品Tea substitutes made from plant flowers
 玫瑰花茶饮料Rose tea beverages
 速溶青茶Instant green tea
 茶饮料(香草味)Tea beverages (vanilla flavor)
 洋甘菊茶Chamomile tea
 无茶碱茶Theophylline-free tea
 铁观音茶饮料Iron Goddess of Mercy tea beverages
 英式红茶English black tea
 速溶白茶Instant white tea
 黄茶饮料Yellow tea beverages
 花茶茶饮料Flower tea beverages
 速溶黄茶Instant yellow tea
 速溶乌龙茶Instant oolong tea
 茶饮料(含柚子味)Tea beverages (including grapefruit flavor)
 黑茶饮料Black tea beverages
 荷叶茶(用作茶叶代用品的花或叶)Rosemary tea beverages Leaf tea (flowers or leaves used as tea substitutes)
 乌龙茶(中国茶)Oolong tea (Chinese tea)
 椴树花茶Lime flower tea
 柠檬味红茶Lemon-flavored black tea
 青茶Green tea
 石榴味茶饮料Pomegranate-flavored tea beverages
 水果味茶饮料Fruit-flavored tea beverages
 速溶茶Instant tea
 荞麦茶Buckwheat tea
 果味茶饮料Fruit-flavored tea beverages
 苦荞茶Buckwheat tea
 绿茶饮料Green tea beverages
 玫瑰果茶Rosehip tea
 玫瑰花茶Rose tea
 乌龙茶饮料Oolong tea beverages
 香草茶Herb tea
 以茶为主的饮料Tea-based beverages
 袋装茶叶Bagged tea leaves
 调味茶Flavored teas
 发酵茶Fermented teas
 非医用草本茶Non-medical herbal teas
 红茶饮料Black tea beverages
 花茶Flower teas
 金银花茶Honeysuckle tea
 紧压茶Compressed teas
 糙米茶Brown rice tea
 加香味的茶Flavored teas
 白茶饮料White tea beverages
 薄荷叶茶Mint leaf tea
 碧螺春茶Biluochun tea
 茶叶制的茶粉Tea powder made from tea leaves
 花草口味的茶饮料Herb-flavored tea beverages
 柳叶茶Willow leaf tea
 速溶红茶Instant black tea
 速溶绿茶Instant green tea
 榆叶茶Elm leaf tea
 冲泡用菊花茶Chrysanthemum tea for brewing
 冲泡用枇杷花茶Loquat flower tea for brewing
 香草茶饮料Herb tea beverages
 袋泡茶Tea bags
 调味花香乌龙茶Flavored floral oolong tea
3003 糖 Sugar
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
300053天然增甜剂natural sweeteners
300077烹饪用葡萄糖glucose for culinary purposes
300153冰糖crystallized rock sugar*
300219棕榈糖palm sugar
300315烹饪用人造增甜剂artificial sweeteners for culinary purposes
300316烹饪用糖精saccharin for culinary purposes
300317烹饪用阿斯巴甜aspartame for culinary purposes
300319烹饪用糖替代品sugar substitutes for culinary purposes
C300004白糖White sugar
C300005红糖Brown sugar
C300007方糖Sugar cubes
 细白砂糖Powdered white sugar
 砂糖Powdered sugar
 原糖Raw sugar
 烹饪用低聚糖Cooking oligosaccharides
 冰糖(非糖果)Rock sugar (non-candy)
 赤砂糖Brown sugar
 冰糖片Rock sugar flakes
 食品装饰用冰糖Rock sugar for food decoration
 蛋糕装饰用冰糖Rock sugar for cake decoration
 糖粉Powdered sugar
 食用果糖Edible fructose
 食用葡萄糖Edible glucose
3004 糖果,南糖,糖 Candy, sugar, sugar
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
300008圣诞树装饰用糖果confectionery for decorating Christmas trees
300019薄荷糖peppermint sweets
300020糖果sweets / candies
300032焦香糖果caramels [sweets] / caramels [candies]
300035口香糖chewing gum*
300042甜食confectionery / sugar confectionery
300067软糖(糖果)fondants [confectionery]
300107糖果锭剂lozenges [confectionery] / pastilles [confectionery]
300118甘草糖liquorice [confectionery]
300138杏仁糖almond confectionery
300139花生糖peanut confectionery
300147甘草茎糖(糖果)stick liquorice [confectionery]
300176果冻(糖果)fruit jellies [confectionery]
300225蛋糕用巧克力装饰物chocolate decorations for cakes
300226蛋糕用糖果装饰物candy decorations for cakes
300227裹巧克力的坚果chocolate-coated nuts
300245镜面糖衣mirror icing [mirror glaze]
300267水果糖fruit confectionery
300271口气清新用薄荷糖mints for breath freshening
300272口气清新用口香糖chewing gum for breath freshening
300293裹巧克力的炸土豆片chocolate-covered potato chips
300296酒心巧克力liqueur chocolates
300302制作果冻糖果用已调味的果冻粉flavoured jelly crystals for making jelly confectionery / flavored jelly crystals for making jelly confectionery
C300008南糖Southern sugar
C300009米花糖Rice flower candy
C300010黑麻片Black sesame slices
C300011糖粘Tang tung
C300012酥糖Crisp candy
C300015皮糖Leather candy
C300016人参糖Ginseng candy
C300017羊羹Yan jelly
C300021奶片(糖果)Milk slices (candy)
 牛奶硬块糖(糖果)Milk candy (candy)
 烘焙用糖果碎粒Bakery candy crumbs
 糖果和面包用巧克力Chocolate for candy and bakery
 糕点装饰用巧克力Chocolate for cake decoration
 胶冻状甜豆沙条(羊羹)Jelly sweetened bean paste sticks (yokan)
 山核桃棍糖Pecan sticks
 花生酱糖果片Peanut butter candy pieces
 裹巧克力的水果Chocolate-coated fruit
 含冰淇淋的冰冻糖果Frozen candy with ice cream
 花生脆糖Peanut brittle
 含有磨碎的咖啡豆的巧克力片Chocolate pieces with ground coffee beans
 含绿芥末的巧克力Chocolate with green mustard
 含焦糖的糖果Candy with caramel
 含可可的糖果Candy with cocoa
 装饰糕点甜食用糖珠Decorating sweets
 奶油糖果片Butterscotch pieces
 红参糖(糖果)Red ginseng candy (candy)
 俄罗斯棉花糖(甜食)Russian marshmallows (sweets)
 冰冻糖果Frozen candy
 豆形软糖Jelly beans
 非医用口香糖Non-medicated chewing gum
 夹心巧克力Chocolate with fillings
 糖衣硬焦糖Caramels with sugar coating
 蛋糕用糖果装饰品Cake decorations
 不含奶的巧克力Dairy-free chocolates
 凝胶软糖Gel candies
 淀粉型糖果Starch-based candies
 淀粉制糖果Starch-based candies
 棉花软糖制食品顶部装饰物Marshmallow-based toppings
 果仁薄脆糖Nut crackers
 裹糖的苹果(糖果)Candy-coated apples (candies)
 糖果(甜食)Candy (sweets)
 果冻糖Jelly candies
 糖豆Jelly beans
 泡泡糖Bubble gum
 巧克力棒Chocolate bars
 巧克力片Chocolate chips
 硬糖Hard candies
 食用麦芽糖Edible maltose
 牛奶巧克力Milk chocolate
 条状糖果Candy bars
 土耳其软糖Turkish delight
 无糖口香糖Sugar-free chewing gum
 无糖糖果Sugar-free candies
 巧克力糖Chocolate candy
 巧克力糖果Chocolate candies
 蛋糕用巧克力装饰品Chocolate cake decorations
 裹巧克力的榛子Chocolate-coated hazelnuts
 花生糖果Peanut candies
3005 蜂蜜,蜂王浆等营养食品 Nutritious foods such as honey and royal jelly
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
300095食品用糖蜜treacle / molasses for food
300095糖蜜treacle / molasses for food
300096黄色糖浆golden syrup
300166蜂胶propolis* / bee glue*
300168蜂王浆royal jelly*
300244龙舌兰糖浆(天然增甜剂)agave syrup [natural sweetener]
300314可食用蜂房edible honeycombs
300318食用蜂蜡edible beeswax
C300023花粉健身膏Pollen fitness cream
C300024龟苓膏Turtle jelly
C300025乳鸽精Suckling pigeon essence
C300026冰糖燕窝Crystal sugar bird’s nest
C300027虫草鸡精Cordyceps chicken essence
C300028秋梨膏Autumn pear paste
C300029苓贝梨膏Lingbei pear paste
C300030燕窝梨膏Bird’s nest pear paste
C300031桂圆膏Longan paste
C300032荔枝膏Lychee paste
C300033枇杷膏Loquat paste
 蜂蜜替代品Honey substitute
 枫树糖浆Maple syrup
 粉状淀粉糖浆(食用)Powdered starch syrup (edible)
 浇头糖浆Topping syrup
 烹饪用淀粉糖浆Cooking starch syrup
 烹饪用玉米糖浆Cooking corn syrup
 食用淀粉糖浆Edible starch syrup
 人食用蜂胶Human edible propolis
 糖蜜糖浆Molasses syrup
 薄烤饼用糖浆Pancake syrup
 食用洋槐蜜Edible acacia honey
 柚子蜂蜜膏Grapefruit honey paste
 雪莲果糖浆Yacon syrup
 棉花糖酱Marshmallow sauce
 草本蜂蜜Herbal honey
 用作天然增甜剂的龙舌兰糖浆Agave syrup as a natural sweetener
3006 面包,糕点 Bread, cakes
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
300004杏仁糊almond paste
300013未发酵面包unleavened bread
300016饼干biscuits* / cookies
300017麦芽饼干malt biscuits
300042甜食confectionery / sugar confectionery
300043即食玉米片corn flakes / maize flakes
300068小蛋糕petits fours
300109小黄油饼干petit-beurre biscuits
300110面包卷bread rolls
300144燕麦食品oat-based food
300145燕麦片oat flakes
300178米糕rice cakes
300195以谷物为主的零食小吃cereal-based snack food
300196以米为主的零食小吃rice-based snack food
300203糕点用糖霜(糖衣)cake frosting [icing]
300205慕斯甜点confectionery in the form of mousses
300208奶酪汉堡包cheeseburgers [sandwiches]
300213人食用小麦胚芽wheat germ for human consumption
300214高蛋白谷物条high-protein cereal bars
300218谷物棒cereal bars
300228米布丁rice pudding
300253热狗三明治hot dog sandwiches
300264油炸面包丁croûtons / croutons
300268脆米饼rice crackers
300275不含麸质的面包gluten-free bread
300280多层酥皮巧克力面包pains au chocolat / chocolatines
300282焦糖炖蛋(甜点)crème brûlée
300285椰丝蛋白饼coconut macaroons
300300丹麦酥Danish pastries
300309牛奶布丁milk puddings
300321夹心饼干filled biscuits / filled cookies
300323糕点用翻糖膏sugar paste for confectionery
C300040麻花Dried dough sticks
C300041油茶粉Oil-tea powder
C300042茶汤面Tea soup noodles
C300043芝麻糊Sesame paste
C300044豌豆黄Pea yellow
C300045蜂糕Honey cake
C300046热狗Hot dog
C300132月饼Moon cake
C300133米粉糊Rice flour paste
 奶酪汉堡包(三明治)Cheeseburger (sandwich)
 果子面包Fruit bread
 蛋白杏仁饼(糕点)Macaroons (pastries)
 甜点慕斯(甜食)Dessert mousse (sweets)
 未发酵面包薄片Unleavened bread slices
 巧克力椒盐脆饼干Chocolate pretzels
 低盐面包Low-salt bread
 以大米为主的布丁甜点Rice-based pudding desserts
 速食布丁Instant puddings
 冻酸奶派Frozen yogurt pies
 加味饼干Flavored cookies
 焦糖布丁Caramel pudding
 以果馅为主的薄饼Fruit-based pancakes
 带调味料的面包Seasoned breads
 梅子蛋糕Plum cakes
 卡斯提拉蛋糕(日本蛋糕)Castella cake (Japanese cake)
 素食蛋糕Vegetarian cakes
 烟囱蛋糕Chimney cakes
 冷冻薄烤饼Frozen pancakes
 速溶燕麦片粥Instant oatmeal porridge
 格雷厄姆饼干派皮Graham cracker pie crusts
 冷冻法式烤面包棒Frozen French toast sticks
 冷冻法式烤面包Frozen French toast
 餐包Dinner rolls
 薄脆米饼Rice crackers
 糕点油酥皮Pastry crusts
 硬皮面包Crusty bread
 萨瓦林蛋糕Savarin cakes
 外裹豆沙的糯米团(赤福饼)Mochi with bean paste (Akafuku)
 棒棒糖状蛋糕Lollipop cakes
 大豆面包Soy bread
 意式甜面包Italian sweet breads
 布丁甜点Pudding desserts
 肉馅干果派Minced meat and dried fruit pies
 混合饼干Mixed cookies
 黄油鸡蛋面包Buttered egg bread
 含果干的蛋糕Cakes containing dried fruit
 汉堡三明治Hamburger sandwiches
 果酱面包Jam bread
 冻酸奶蛋糕Frozen yogurt cakes
 法式糕点French pastries
 咸饼干Salty crackers
 咸味饼干Salty biscuits
 以小麦为主的零食小吃Wheat-based snacks
 以玉米为主的零食小吃Corn-based snacks
 英式松饼English muffins
 早餐谷类食品Breakfast cereals
 硬饼干Hard biscuits
 面包布丁Bread pudding
 油炸蜜糕Honey cakes
 鱼肉三明治Fish sandwiches
 黄油饼干Butter biscuits
 冷冻华夫饼Frozen waffles
 冰淇淋用蛋筒Ice cream cones
 糕点用糖霜Pastry icings
 海绵蛋糕Sponge cakes
 杏仁饼Almond cookies
 杏仁饼干Almond biscuits
 墨西哥式玉米薄片Tortilla chips
 墨西哥式玉米片Tortilla chips
 人食用的加工过的早餐谷物食品Processed breakfast cereals for human consumption
 英式烤面饼English flatbreads
 油炸小甜饼Fried cookies
 格兰诺拉麦片(由熟燕麦、干果和坚果制的早餐食品)Granola (a breakfast food made from cooked oats, dried fruits and nuts)
 肉桂卷Cinnamon rolls
 蛋奶挞Custard tarts
 法式泡芙French puffs
 法式夹心千层糕French puff pastry
 小米糕Millet cakes
 南瓜馅饼Pumpkin pie
 裹巧克力的饼干Chocolate-covered cookies
 椒盐扭结面包Pretzel twist bread
 夹肠酥皮面包Sausage-filled bread
 巴伐利亚奶油羹Bavarian cream
 大豆制面包Soy bread
 多谷物面包Multi-grain bread
 苏打面包Soda bread
 用香料调味的面包Bread flavored with spices
 冰淇淋奶油蛋糕Ice cream cake
 黑麦面包Rye bread
 红豆面包Red bean bread
 扁面包Flat bread
 大蒜面包Garlic bread
 皮塔饼Pita bread
 蛋白酥皮卷Meringue rolls
 奶油焦糖布丁Creme brulee
 奶油馅饼Cream pie
 酥油茶Butter tea
 蛋挞Egg tarts
 葡萄干面包Raisin bread
 巧克力蛋糕Chocolate cake
 糕点用糖衣Pastry icing
 冰冻蛋糕Frozen cakes
 冰淇淋蛋糕Ice cream cakes
 三明治卷Sandwich rolls
 奶酪味饼干Cheese-flavored biscuits
 奶油果子面包Cream fruit bread
 奶油泡芙Cream puffs
 全麦饼干Whole-wheat biscuits
 全麦面包Whole-wheat bread
 水果面包Fruit bread
 水果馅饼Fruit pie
 水果糕点Fruit pastry
 法式长棍面包French baguette
 蛋挞皮Egg tart shell
 甜品布丁Dessert pudding
 鲷鱼烧(带有馅料的日式鱼形糕点)Taiyaki (Japanese fish-shaped pastry with filling)
 蓝莓馅饼(点心)Blueberry pie (dessert)
3007 方便食品 Instant foods
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
300133肉馅饼meat pies
300134法式肉派pâtés en croûte
300183春卷spring rolls
300235咸薄饼savoury pancakes / savory pancakes
300238紫菜包饭prepared rice rolled in seaweed
300243面粉制丸子flour-based dumplings
300246主要由米制成的冻干食品freeze-dried dishes with the main ingredient being rice / lyophilized dishes with the main ingredient being rice / lyophilised dishes with the main ingredient being rice
300250石锅拌饭bibimbap [rice mixed with vegetables and beef]
300252方便米饭instant rice
300265土豆薄面饼potato-based flatbreads
300269泡菜煎饼kimchi pancakes
300307幼儿面条餐noodle-based prepared meals for toddlers
C300048炒饭ried rice
C300050年糕Rice cake
C300054八宝饭Eight-treasure rice
C300056醪糟Lao Zao
C300057火烧Huo Shao
C300060花卷Flower roll
C300061豆包Bean curd
C300064肉泡馍Meat-soaked bun
C300065泡粑Pao Ba
C300066叶儿粑Yeer Ba
 粗麦蒸糕Steamed wheat cake
 (墨西哥)炸玉米卷(Mexican) fried tacos
 日式煎菜饼(御好烧)Japanese pancakes (okonomiyaki)
 食用薄饼Eating pancakes
 (意大利式)方形饺(加工好的)(Italian) square dumplings (prepared)
 糯米年糕Glutinous rice cakes
 碗团(以荞麦面为主蒸制而成的面食)Wonton (steamed buckwheat noodles as the main dish)
 家禽肉和猎物肉制馅饼Poultry and game meat pies
 软质椒盐卷饼Soft pretzels
 肉馅饼(已制好)Meat pies (prepared)
 朝鲜拌饭(混合有蔬菜和牛肉的熟米饭)Korean bibimbap (cooked rice mixed with vegetables and beef)
 预包装午餐食品(以米为主,也包括肉、鱼或蔬菜)Prepackaged lunch foods (rice-based, but also meat, fish or vegetables)
 西班牙海鲜饭Spanish paella
 冷冻的花椰菜制比萨饼皮Frozen cauliflower pizza crust
 冷冻的披萨饼皮Frozen pizza crust
 挪威土豆薄饼Norwegian potato pancakes
 南瓜粥Pumpkin porridge
 冷冻比萨饼Frozen pizza
 肉燕(福州馄饨)Meat dumplings (Fuzhou wontons)
 熟米饭Cooked rice
 肉包Meat buns
 甜醅Sweet fermented rice
 土豆饺子Potato dumplings
 肉夹馍Rou jiamo
 绿豆粥Mung bean porridge
 米团Rice balls
 米粥Rice porridge
 墨西哥式炸卷饼Fried burritos
 墨西哥式综合卷饼Mexico style burritos
 墨西哥式辣椒乳酪肉馅玉米卷饼Chili cheese enchiladas
 墨西哥式干酪馅夹饼Chicken enchiladas
 面粉制饺子Flour dumplings
 生鱼片寿司Sashimi sushi
 已加工的比萨饼Pre-made pizza
 意式加馅粗管面Stuffed spaghetti
 比萨饺Pizza ravioli
 乳酪碎肉末玉米饼Chicken and meat tortillas
 墨西哥式玉米面团包馅卷Texas dough rolls
 肉馅卷饼Empty meat rolls
 新鲜比萨饼Fresh pizza
 油条Dough sticks
 发糕Fattened cakes
 荷叶饭(用荷叶包裹的加馅料的米饭)Lotus leaf rice (stuffed rice wrapped in lotus leaves)
 蒸米饭Steamed rice
 红豆粥Red bean porridge
 乌克兰饺子Ukrainian dumplings
 葱油饼Scallion pancakes
 玉米粥Hominy porridge
 豆沙包Red bean buns
 干米饭Dried rice
 锅馅饼Pot pie
3008 米,面粉(包括五谷杂粮) Rice, flour (including whole grains)
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
300034谷类制品cereal preparations
300057谷粉flour* / meal*
300058豆类粗粉bean flour
300059玉米粉corn flour / corn meal / maize flour / maize meal
300059玉米面corn flour / corn meal / maize flour / maize meal
300061大麦粗粉barley meal
300062大豆粉soya flour
300063面粉wheat flour
300071蛋糕粉cake powder
300080人食用的去壳谷物groats for human food
300091玉米(磨过的)corn, milled / maize, milled
300092玉米(烘过的)corn, roasted / maize, roasted
300100去壳大麦husked barley
300105碾碎的大麦crushed barley
300142粗燕麦粉crushed oats
300143去壳燕麦husked oats
300161薄片(谷类产品)chips [cereal products]
300198玉米粗粉hominy grits
300213人食用小麦胚芽wheat germ for human consumption
300229坚果粉nut flours
300236制咸薄饼用混合粉savoury pancake mixes / savory pancake mixes
300258加工过的藜麦quinoa, processed
300260加工过的荞麦buckwheat, processed
300261荞麦粉buckwheat flour
300283制面糊用混合粉batter mixes
300306加工过的斯佩尔特小麦spelt, processed
300308加工过的小粒斯佩尔特小麦small spelt, processed
C300072汤圆粉Tangyuan flour
C300073生糯粉Raw glutinous flour
C300134米粉(粉状)Rice flour (powdered)
C300142红豆Red bean
C300143绿豆Mung bean
 大麦仁Barley kernel
 玉米面(食品用)Cornmeal (food use)
 面粉(食用)Flour (edible)
 未去麸的大米Undebranned rice
 捣碎的小麦Pounded wheat
 比萨饼混合粉Pizza mix
 玉米面包粉Cornbread flour
 营养强化米(未煮过的)Fortified rice (uncooked)
 荞麦粉(食品用)Buckwheat flour (food use)
 加工过的苔麸Processed teff
 刀切燕麦粒Cut oats
 人造米(未烹调)Artificial rice (uncooked)
 食用大麦粉Edible barley flour
 生的营养强化米Raw fortified rice
 干麦麸Dried wheat bran
 黑豆粉Black bean flour
 豆粉Bean flour
 干芡实Dried gorgon fruit
 糯米Glutinous rice
 糯米粉Glutinous rice flour
 青稞粉Highland barley flour
 绿豆粉Mung bean flour
 食用面粉Edible flour
 食用荞麦粉Edible buckwheat flour
 人食用的糙米粉Edible brown rice flour
 食用豆粉Edible bean flour
 食用谷粉Edible grain flour
 红豆粉Red bean flour
 红小豆粉Red bean flour
 黄豆粉Soybean flour
 加工过的谷物Processed grains
 加工过的小麦Processed wheat
 加工过的高粱Processed sorghum
 制饼干用混合粉Biscuit mix
 薏米粉Job’s tears flour
 烘过的玉米粒Toasted corn kernels
 薄烤饼用混合粉Pancake mix
 烤制的谷物粉Toasted grain flour
 黑麦面粉Rye flour
 糙米Brown rice
 制蛋糕用混合粉Cake mix
 荞麦面粉Buckwheat flour
 薏米Job’s tears
 加工过的燕麦Processed oats
 食用薏仁粉Edible barley flour
 加工过的粗粒小麦粉Processed semolina flour
 食物用豆粉Soy flour for food
 莜麦面粉Oats flour
3009 面条及米面制品 Noodles and rice flour products
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
300072做蛋糕用面团cake batter / cake dough
300164食用麦芽膏malt extract for food
300165人食用麦芽malt for human consumption
300202面条为主的预制食物noodle-based prepared meals
300222油酥面团pastry dough
300232食物制作用生米糊rice pulp for culinary purposes
300239可食用纸edible paper
300240可食用米纸edible rice paper
300247主要由意式面食制成的冻干食品freeze-dried dishes with the main ingredient being pasta / lyophilized dishes with the main ingredient being pasta / lyophilised dishes with the main ingredient being pasta
300273乌冬面udon noodles
300274荞麦面条soba noodles
300284食用威化纸Edible wafer paper
C300075方便面Instant noodles
C300075方便粉丝Instant vermicelli
C300076玉米浆Corn pulp
C300077春卷皮Spring roll wrappers
C300078米粉(条状)Rice noodles (strips)
 冷冻曲奇面团Frozen cookie dough
 营养面条Nutritious noodles
 干意大利面条Dried spaghetti
 制威化饼干用生面团Wafer dough
 做比萨用面团Pizza dough
 食用面团Edible dough
 乌冬面(未煮的)Udon noodles (uncooked)
 酥皮面团Puff pastry dough
 加有螺蛳肉的米粉(条状)Rice noodles (strips) with snail meat
 谷粉制食用面团Edible dough made from cereal flour
 肉馅卷饼用生面团Empanada dough
 通心粉(未烹饪的)Macaroni (uncooked)
 亚洲面条Asian noodles
 意式夹心面食Stuffed pasta
 汤用意面Soup pasta
 馅饼(点心)皮Pie (snack) crust
 比萨饼皮Pizza crust
 果馅饼皮Flan crust
 墨西哥式夹饼饼皮Taco crust
 墨西哥式薄饼饼皮Tortilla crust
 生的通心粉Raw macaroni
 生的中式面条Raw Chinese noodles
 未烹饪的中式面条Uncooked Chinese noodles
 冷冻面条Frozen noodles
 冷冻生面团Frozen dough
 冷面Cold noodles
 凉面Cold noodles
 龙须面Longxu noodles
 麻辣方便面Spicy instant noodles
 米线Rice noodles
 可直接烘培的生面团Ready-to-bake dough
 捞面Lo mein
 罐装面条Canned noodles
 含淀粉食用油面团Dough containing starch and cooking oil
 烩面Stewed noodles
 中式方便面Chinese instant noodles
 中式面条Chinese noodles
 做糕点用面团Pastry dough
 油炸面条Fried noodles
 速食面Instant noodles
 泰式炒面Thai fried noodles
 碗装方便面Instant noodles in bowls
 未发酵面团Unfermented dough
 莜麦方便面Oats instant noodles
 抻面Stretched noodles
 馄饨皮Wonton wrappers
 细面条Thin noodles
 米线(米粉制品)Rice noodles (rice flour products)
 日式拉面Japanese ramen
 食用面糊Edible batter
 食用油面团Cooking oil dough
 杂粮面条Multigrain noodles
 手工挂面Hand-made noodles
 熟面条Cooked noodles
 新鲜意式面食Fresh pasta
 奶酪通心粉Milk Cheese macaroni
 泡面Instant noodles
 即食面条Instant noodles
 加奶酪的通心粉Cheese macaroni
 碱水面条Alkaline noodles
 饺子皮Dumpling wrappers
 菜汤面(以面条为主)Vegetable soup noodles (noodles only)
 碗装速食面Instant noodles in bowls
 罐装番茄酱意大利面Canned spaghetti with tomato sauce
 真空包装的意式面食Vacuum-packed Italian pasta
 炒米粉(条状)Fried rice noodles (strips)
 预先烹制的面条Pre-cooked noodles
 添加鸡蛋的面条Noodles with egg
 制酥点用中东薄面皮Puff pastry wrappers
 袋装速食面Packed instant noodles
 日式细面条Japanese thin noodles
 制曲奇饼干用冷冻面团Frozen dough for cookies
 日式煎菜饼(御好烧)用面糊Okonomiyaki batter
 面皮(面粉制品)Wheat wrappers (flour products)
 制酥点用面团Puff pastry dough
 炒面条Stir-fried noodles
 日式素面Japanese vegetarian noodles
 肉丸意大利面Spaghetti with meatballs
 做华夫饼用面团Waffle dough
 燕皮(福州馄饨皮)Fried wonton wrappers
 做布朗尼蛋糕用面团Brownies Dough
 做意大利式脆饼干用面团Noodles made from cereal flour
 谷粉制面条Dough for making bread or cake
 制面包或蛋糕用生面团Whole-wheat pasta
 全麦意式面食Dough for making bread
 制面包用生面团Cooked dough
 熟面片Processed pasta
 加工过的意式面食Bread dough
 面包面团Sliced ​​noodles
 刀削面Rice vermicelli
 饵丝Fermented dough
 发酵面团Instant rice noodles
 干脆面Dried noodles
 干面条Cold noodles
 凉皮(面粉制品)Lianpi (flour-based)
 比萨饼面团Pizza dough
 带调料的拉面Ramen noodles with seasoning
 带汤面条Noodles in soup
 袋装方便面Packed instant noodles
 蛋糕面团Cake dough
 面条(未烹饪的)Noodles (uncooked)
 炒面Chow mein
 方便乌冬面Instant udon noodles
 烘焙蛋糕用生面团Dough for baking cakes
 速冻意式面食Quickly frozen pasta
 方便荞麦面Instant soba noodles
 生的意大利面条Raw spaghetti
 生的乌冬面Raw udon noodles
3010 谷物膨化食品 Puffed cereal foods
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
300195以谷物为主的零食小吃cereal-based snack food
300196以米为主的零食小吃rice-based snack food
300268脆米饼rice crackers
C300079大米花Rice popcorn
C300080虾味条Shrimp-flavored sticks
C300081锅巴Crisp rice
C300082米果(膨化食品)Rice crackers (puffed food)
 大米锅巴Rice crackers
 奶酪味的膨化玉米零食小吃Cheese-flavored puffed corn snacks
 焦糖爆玉米花Caramel popcorn
 薄脆米饼Crisp rice crackers
 裹糖的爆米花Sugar-coated popcorn
 加工过的爆米花Processed popcorn
 油炸玉米花Fried popcorn
 膨化锅巴Puffed rice crackers
 以小麦为主的零食小吃Wheat-based snacks
 以玉米为主的零食小吃Corn-based snacks
 甜味玉米花Sweet popcorn
 甜味爆米花Sweet popcorn
 锅巴(膨化食品)Crisp rice (puffed food)
 薄脆谷物片Crisp cereal flakes
 包有糖衣的玉米花Sugar-coated popcorn
 糯米锅巴Glutinous rice crackers
 奶酪味膨化玉米花Cheese-flavored puffed popcorn
 焦糖玉米花Caramel popcorn
 焦糖爆米花Caramel popcorn
 咸甜味爆米花Salty-sweet popcorn
 已调味的爆米花Seasoned popcorn
 墨西哥式玉米薄片Mexican corn flakes
3011 豆粉,食用预制面筋 Soy flour, edible pre-made gluten


3012 食用淀粉及其制品 Edible starch and its products
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
300050烹饪食品用增稠剂thickening agents for cooking foodstuffs
300065食用淀粉starch for food
300088香肠黏合料sausage binding materials
300114土豆粉potato flour*
300128木薯粉tapioca flour*
C300088百合粉Lily powder
C300089魔芋粉Konjac powder
C300090栗粉Chestnut powder
C300091菱角粉Water chestnut powder
C300093蕨粉Fern powder
C300094粉丝(条)Vermicelli (strips)
C300095藕粉Lotus root powder
C300096地瓜粉Sweet potato powder
C300097马铃薯粉Potato powder
C300098龙虾片Lobster slices
C300099南瓜粉Pumpkin powder
 紫薯粉Purple potato powder
 荸荠粉Water chestnut powder
 蕨根粉Fern root powder
 蕃薯粉Sweet potato powder
 虾片Shrimp slices
 烹饪用玉米淀粉Corn starch for cooking
 烹饪用日本竹芋粉Japanese arrowroot powder for cooking
 大米淀粉Rice starch
 食用马铃薯淀粉Edible potato starch
 制粉圆用淀粉Starch for tapioca
 芋头粉Taro powder
 玉米淀粉Corn starch
 小麦淀粉Wheat starch
 山药淀粉Yam starch
 烹饪用瓜尔胶Guar gum for cooking
 粉丝(未烹调)Vermicelli (uncooked)
 食用葛粉Edible arrowroot powder
 烹饪用增稠剂Thickener for cooking
 食用土豆粉Edible potato powder
 凉粉(食用淀粉制品)Jelly (edible starch product)
 马铃薯粉(食用)Potato powder (edible)
 食用地瓜粉Edible sweet potato powder
 玉米淀粉(食品用)Corn starch (food use)
 食用木薯粉Edible cassava flour
 西谷椰子淀粉(食用)Sago coconut starch (edible)
3013 食用冰,冰制品 Edible ice, ice products
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
300046冰淇淋ice cream
300074冰淇淋凝结剂binding agents for ice cream
300075天然或人造冰ice, natural or artificial
300076小吃用冰ice [frozen water]
300125果汁刨冰sorbets [ices] / sherbets [ices]
300136食用冰edible ices
300137冰淇淋粉powders for making ice cream
300181冻酸奶(冰冻甜点)frozen yogurt [confectionery ices] / frozen yoghurt [confectionery ices]
300254(加入饮料用的)冰块ice cubes
300270蜜红豆刨冰shaved ice with sweetened red beans
300288冰棍ice pops
C300102冰砖Ice blocks
 食用水果冰Edible fruit ice
 水果冰Fruit ice
 水果冰淇淋Fruit ice cream
 食用冰凝结剂Edible ice coagulators
 牛奶冰棒Milk popsicles
 冰冻果子露混合物Sherbet mix
 含有甜红豆的刨冰Shaved ice with sweetened red beans
 含酒精的果汁刨冰Shaved ice with alcoholic juices
 含酒精冰激凌Alcoholic ice cream
 水果冰棍Fruit popsicles
 素食冰淇淋Vegetarian ice cream
 冰淇淋混合粉Ice cream mix
 冰块Ice cubes
 蛋筒冰淇淋Ice cream cones
 大豆冰淇淋Soy ice cream
 已调味的食用冰Flavored edible ice
 冰冻果子露(糖果冰)Sherbet (candy ice)
 冻酸奶甜点Frozen yogurt desserts
3014 食盐 Salt
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
300014食物防腐盐salt for preserving foodstuffs
300049食盐cooking salt
300123芹菜盐celery salt
 调过味的盐Seasoned salt
 食用盐Edible salt
 精制食盐Refined salt
 餐桌用盐Table salt
 调味盐Seasoning salt
 食品调味用藏红花盐Saffron salt for food seasoning
 芝麻盐Sesame salt
 烹饪用盐Cooking salt
 食品防腐盐Food preservative salt
3015 酱油,醋 Soy sauce, vinegar
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
300148啤酒醋beer vinegar
300179酱油soya sauce
C300103酱油防腐粉Soy sauce preservative powder
C300104醋精Vinegar essence
 昆布酱油Kelp soy sauce
 葡萄酒醋Wine vinegar
 白醋White vinegar
 巴萨米克醋(意大利黑醋)Balsamic vinegar (Italian black vinegar)
 调过味的醋Flavored vinegar
 苹果醋Apple vinegar
 调味醋Seasoned vinegar
 果醋Fruit vinegar
 辣酱油Worthy soy sauce
3016 芥末,味精,沙司,酱等调味品 Condiments such as mustard, MSG, sauce, paste
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
300002海藻(调味品)seaweed [condiment]
300007八角大茴香star aniseed
300009非医用浸液infusions, not medicinal
300030肉桂(调味品)cinnamon [spice]
300033咖喱粉(调味品)curry [spice]
300040丁香(调味品)cloves [spice]
300060芥末粉mustard meal
300070除香精油外的蛋糕用调味品flavourings, other than essential oils, for cakes / flavorings, other than essential oils, for cakes
300073姜粉ground ginger
300082番茄酱(调味品)ketchup [sauce]
300102肉豆蔻(调味品)nutmegs [spice]
300111辣椒(调味品)peppers [seasonings]
300120藏红花(佐料)saffron [seasoning]
300122调味酱汁sauces [condiments]
300130烹饪用香草调味品vanilla flavourings for culinary purposes / vanilla flavorings for culinary purposes
300140除香精油外的食物用调味品food flavourings, other than essential oils / food flavorings, other than essential oils
300141除香精油外的饮料用调味品flavourings, other than essential oils, for beverages / flavorings, other than essential oils, for beverages
300162酱菜(调味品)chow-chow [condiment]
300167佐料(调味品)relish [condiment]
300169海水(烹饪用)seawater for cooking
300171番茄调味酱tomato sauce
300182(印度式)酸辣酱(调味品)chutneys [condiments]
300188色拉用调味品dressings for salad
300193调味肉汁meat gravies
300201腌制香草(调料)garden herbs, preserved [seasonings]
300206水果酱汁(调味料)fruit coulis [sauces]
300210火腿糖汁ham glaze
300212烹饪用亚麻籽(调味品)linseed for culinary purposes [seasoning] / flaxseed for culinary purposes [seasoning]
300217意式面食调味酱pasta sauce
300230蒜末(调味品)minced garlic [condiment]
300255用作调味品的加工过的种子processed seeds for use as a seasoning
300256芝麻(调味品)sesame seeds [seasonings]
300262蔓越莓酱(调味品)cranberry sauce [condiment]
300263苹果酱(调味品)apple sauce [condiment]
300276酸角(调味品)tamarind [condiment]
300287烹饪用橙花水orange blossom water for culinary purposes
300290哈里萨辣酱(调味品)harissa [condiment]
300291姜酱(调味品)ginger paste [seasoning]
300303柠檬汁晶(调味品)crystallized lemon juice [seasoning]
300304加工过的南瓜籽(调味品)processed squash seeds [seasonings]
300311大酱(调味品)doenjang [condiment]
300324小豆蔻(调味品)cardamom [spice]
C300105涮羊肉调料Lamb shabu-shabu seasoning
C300107香糟fragrant residue
C300108虾油shrimp oil
C300109糟油bad oil
C300110蚝油Oyster sauce
C300111鱼露fish sauce
C300112鲜虾露Shrimp Sauce
C300113鸡精(调味品)Chicken essence (condiment)
C300114鱼沙司fish sauce
C300115虾味汁Shrimp sauce
C300117果子油fruit oil
C300118辣椒油chili oil
C300119花椒粉pepper powder
C300120鱼味粉fish flavor powder
C300122海味粉seafood powder
C300123食用烟熏多味料Edible smoked spices
C300124蒜汁garlic juice
C300127豉油soy sauce
C300141料酒cooking wine
 味噌豆酱miso bean paste
 加工过的辣根(调料)Processed horseradish (seasoning)
 加工过的青葱(用作调料)Processed shallots (for seasoning)
 腌辣椒酱pickled chili sauce
 主要由番茄酱和萨尔萨辣酱制成的食物调味品Food condiments made primarily from tomato sauce and salsa
 调制好的酱汁prepared sauce
 棕醬brown sauce
 意面白酱Pasta white sauce
 已调味的豆瓣酱seasoned bean paste
 干香菜籽(调味品)Dried coriander seeds (condiment)
 干香菜(调味品)Dried coriander (condiment)
 食用紫苏粉edible perilla powder
 无花果制调味品Fig condiments
 胡椒(香料)pepper (spice)
 用作调味品的已加工大蒜Processed garlic used as condiment
 用于食物或饮料的杏仁制调味品Almond based condiments for food or drink
 用于食品或饮料的柠檬制调味品Lemon condiments for food or beverages
 烤肉用调味酱汁Sauce for barbecue
 芥末粉(香料)Mustard powder (spice)
 鸡尾酒用盐水Salt water for cocktails
 烹饪用盐水cooking salt water
 烘焙用香辛料baking spices
 白胡椒white pepper
 参巴辣椒酱(调味品)Sambal Chili Sauce (Condiment)
 墨西哥式番茄辣酱Mexican tomato salsa
 照烧酱Teriyaki Sauce
 大蒜粉garlic powder
 调味豆酱seasoned bean paste
 酸辣酱(调味品)Chutney (condiment)
 汤用调味品condiments for soup
 比萨饼酱pizza sauce
 肉桂粉cinnamon powder
 色拉酱salad dressing
 烧烤酱BBQ sauce
 黑胡椒black pepper
 豆酱bean paste
 味噌(调味品)Miso (condiment)
 红辣椒粉red chili powder
 香辛料粉spice powder
 花椒(调味品)Sichuan pepper (condiment)
 食品调料food seasoning
 食用调味品edible condiments
 食用芥末粉edible mustard powder
 水果调味酱fruit sauce
 除香精油外的黄油用调味品Condiments for butter other than essential oils
 除香精油外的奶酪用调味品Condiments for cheese other than essential oils
 混合调味品(涂抹用)Mixed condiments (for spreading)
 炖菜用混合调味料Mixed seasonings for stews
 墨西哥式夹饼用调味料Chipotle seasonings
 制饮料用草本调味品(香精油除外)Herbal condiments for beverages (except essential oils)
 鞑靼沙拉酱Tartar Dressing
 含有奶油的色拉用调味品Salad dressings containing cream
 纯素蛋黄酱Vegan Mayonnaise
 加工过的日式芥末Processed Japanese wasabi
 豆酱(调味品)Bean paste (condiment)
 香蒜酱(调味料)pesto (seasoning)
 黄油用调味品condiments for butter
 奶酪用调味品condiments for cheese
 除香精油外的汤用调味品Condiments for soups other than essential oils
 胡椒粉(调味品)pepper (condiment)
 混合香辛料Mixed spices
 辣椒调味料chili seasoning
 辣椒油(调味品)Chili oil (condiment)
 咖喱调味料curry seasoning
 食品用调味料seasonings for food
 姜汁ginger juice
 是拉差辣椒酱Sriracha Chili Sauce
 食用姜黄edible turmeric
 姜(调味品)Ginger (condiment)
 辣椒酱chili sauce
 辣椒酱(调味品)Chili sauce (condiment)
 咖喱粉curry powder
 咖喱酱curry paste
 肉桂粉(调味品)cinnamon powder (condiment)
 烹饪用调味酱cooking sauce
 塔可酱Taco Sauce
 酸黄咖喱酱Sour yellow curry paste
 丁香粉(调味品)Clove powder (condiment)
 辣椒粉(调味品)Paprika (condiment)
 皮肯特酱Picente Sauce
 盐肤木粉(调味品)Salt bark powder (condiment)
3017 酵母 Yeast
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
300066生面团用酵素ferments for dough
300199泡打粉baking powder
300200苏打粉(烹饪用小苏打)baking soda [bicarbonate of soda for cooking purposes] / bicarbonate of soda for cooking purposes [baking soda]
300215烹饪用酒石酸氢钾(塔塔粉)cream of tartar for culinary purposes
300298酿造啤酒用酵母yeast for brewing beer
C300129酱油曲种Soy sauce koji
C300130烹饪用小苏打Cooking baking soda
C300131烹饪用碱Cooking alkali
C300135烹饪用酶Cooking enzymes
 用作食物原料的酵母Yeast used as food ingredients
 酵母粉Yeast powder
 酵母提取物Yeast extract
 人食用酵母提取物Human edible yeast extract
 焙烤苏打(烘焙用小苏打)Baking soda (baking baking soda)
 食用碱Edible alkali
 食用小苏打Edible baking soda
 食品用酵母提取物Yeast extract for food
 发面团用酵素Enzymes for dough
 米曲Rice koji
3018 食用香精,香料 Edible flavors, spices
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
300011食品用芳香剂aromatic preparations for food
300048食品用香料(含醚香料和香精油除外)essences for foodstuffs, except etheric essences and essential oils
300070除香精油外的蛋糕用调味品flavourings, other than essential oils, for cakes / flavorings, other than essential oils, for cakes
300097制糖果用薄荷mint for confectionery
300131香兰素(香草代用品)vanillin [vanilla substitute]
300140除香精油外的食物用调味品food flavourings, other than essential oils / food flavorings, other than essential oils
300141除香精油外的饮料用调味品flavourings, other than essential oils, for beverages / flavorings, other than essential oils, for beverages
C300136葡萄酒提味用烤制的天然碎木片Natural wood chips roasted for wine flavoring
 食用芳香剂Food aromatics
 制饮料用草本调味品(香精油除外)Herbal condiments for beverages (except essential oils)
 除香精油外的奶酪用调味品Condiments for cheese other than essential oils
 除香精油外的黄油用调味品Condiments for butter other than essential oils
 除香精油外的汤用调味品Condiments for soups other than essential oils
3019 单一商品 Single commodity
TM No.CN-商品或服务EN-Goods or Services
300045搅稠奶油制剂preparations for stiffening whipped cream
300078食用预制谷蛋白gluten prepared as foodstuff
300135烹饪用嫩肉剂meat tenderizers for culinary purposes
300216烹饪用谷蛋白添加剂gluten additives for culinary purposes

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